With EXCLUSIVE Bonus Group Mentoring Session!

Create a richly fulfilling, soul-centred, prosperous business..

Become Your Own Business Advisor guides you through a structured process of building the world of your business in harmony with its soul and yours, anchored in its purposes and your own essential values.

This is a live, facilitated program for creative entrepreneurs in which soul and strategy, practical skills and inspired action walk hand-in-hand to help you grow your business as your art and your gift to the world, as well as your source of creative play, delight and provision.

You will craft every element of your business with clear intention and creative artistry so your business is unmistakably and inimitably itself, a home for your greatest gifts, for your heart of service.

You will build a world through which provision flows effortlessly, for you and for your team, your clients and customers, suppliers and colleagues.

Your business can become a beacon and a source of transformation, provision, delight, and generative service in the world.

Become Your Own Business Advisor will show you how.

The program is — as one participant put it — “one of the most powerful programs I’ve ever experienced.” 

How to Craft a Magnetic Offering

Enjoy the masterclass replay!

(Hear more about the special bonus at 1:17:00 in the video.)

Who is Become Your Own Business Advisor for?

If you’re anything like my entrepreneurial friends, colleagues, and clients, you may be asking yourself…

Is there really a way to grow my business so it flourishes, fulfils its profound potentials, serves wholeheartedly – and supports my own longing for ease, spaciousness, room to breathe, feel, dream, live my life, and create what’s tugging at my heart?

Can you reshape the world of your business so it provides a home for your own genius and the gifts and genius of your team, and nurtures the gifts of your clients and customers as well?

Can you make a world in your business that grows organically, without losing what you’ve worked so hard to build?

Can you transform how you do business so you and your business grow in joy, prosperity, flow, and ease as well as in annual revenues and impeccable service?

Or is this a pipe dream, one that hovers on the horizon without ever drawing any nearer?

You’ve worked hard to get where you are.

You’ve shown up with fierce commitment and enthusiasm. You’ve given your business, your clients and customers, your family, your beloveds, the very best of yourself.

Yet there is always something you want for your business that, despite your most valiant efforts, hasn’t materialized.

A revenue goal that remains out of reach. A dream team that never quite seems to coalesce. Clients who are ready and eager to craft their businesses in alignment with their vision and values, but who don’t enrol in your masterminds, or don’t show up to do the necessary work. A framework, an offering, a signature program that hasn’t yet gelled into something tangible, useful and beautiful.

So, you ask yourself: 

“Do I just keep doing more of the same, while the joy and dynamism, vision and desire that fuelled my early days as an entrepreneur devolve into constriction and overwhelm, into resentment at running on this hamster wheel that never stops and never really gets to where my heart wants to be? The business I’ve built, that once seemed to be all I ever wanted, now feels too small to hold my soul’s desires, my most expansive dreams.”

The short answer, from my own experience and from working with hundreds of clients and students over the years is:

Your true desire is not a pipe dream — it is possible to make your business your art, to have it be your joy and freedom, your creative contribution to your world, and the foundation of your wealth, prosperity, and freedom.

You can have a business that serves the wholeness in you, and in everyone who enters the world of your business. It’s the kind of world I’ve created in my business. It’s the kind of world many of my clients and students have created in their businesses too.

You can craft such a world for yourself, for your community, for the future you want to shape for all you love.

Become Your Own Business Advisor is a creative playground for entrepreneurs with a vision that can change the world.

The 12-week program combines the creative spaciousness to shape your business the way you envision it, with practical, playful, powerful tools and techniques that can alchemize even the loftiest dreams into seemingly miraculous results – for you, your clients, your community, and our world.

By using the practices and skills you’ll learn in the program, you’ll rediscover freedom and joy in your business, as you work with it in ways that are creatively fluid, improvisational, and yet focused, intentional and spacious enough to meet your own creative needs, those of your team, and those of your clients and customers.

The miracles you will experience redefine success as radiant prosperity, ease, fulfilment, meaningful contribution, joyful service, and a renewed sense of delight in the world of your business.

You’ll love Become Your Own Business Advisor if…

  • You’re ready to shape a business ecosystem that is coherent, integrated, innovative, transformative, and generative. One that meets complexity with curiosity and an ongoing desire to learn, grow, and evolve. One that is radically aligned with your values, more authentically you, and more joyfully prosperous.

  • You want to trust yourself and your business decisions, feel confidently true to yourself, be less pulled off-track by what your peers and competitors are doing, and rely more fully on your own genius, intuition, and creative gifts.

  • You’re an entrepreneur with a service-oriented business. You may be a coach, educator, therapist, healthcare or mental health professional, artist, writer or other cultural creative who works with transformational processes in your business.

  • You want to learn more nuanced, powerful energy alchemy skills and techniques, and you want your business to be both a source of provision and of meaningful contribution.

  • You enjoy learning as part of a live, facilitated program.

The Curriculum

Most business-growth programs focus on strategy and tactics. To develop strategies that are successful for the long haul, you must first understand your business’s soul. Strategy is soul’s servant; it puts ground under the feet of your business’s vision, values, and reasons for being.

Once you understand your business’s deeper purposes, align its soul’s vision with your vision of a business culture & ecosystem that is transformative, coherent, and generative, then every single element in the world of your business becomes crystal clear, & works effortlessly & seamlessly to shape the world of your business.

Your business model, business development strategies, creative content and signature offers, sales processes, customer journey, operations, finances, community, marketing, social media channels. Your internal culture and brand presence in the world. You will shape each of these to harmonize with your essential values. And you will weave these elements into a coherent, integrated business ecosystem that is uniquely positioned for renewable growth, meaningful contribution, and sustainable success.

Become Your Own Business Advisor consists of 12 core classes, plus a comprehensive set of Q&As to accompany each one. Each class is designed to help you build the foundation of your business and then add on the layers that not only align it with what is uniquely important to you, but that enables you to stand out and be seen by those who matter most – your potential clients and customers.

Class 1


The art of presence. The power of attunement. The pull of desire. In this first class, you’ll clarify and refine your intentions for the program — what you want to receive, and what you want to bring to fruition.

You’ll also define the creative project you’d like to work on, over the next twelve weeks — with the understanding that your project will grow & transform as you cultivate new skills.

Class 2

You And Your Business Deva

Let’s look at your relationship with your business, by going straight to the source: connecting with the Deva — or soul — of your business.

You’ll learn how to heal your relationship with the Deva of your business, just as you would heal a relationship with a trusted ally or partner … by clearing away old energy, and making space for deeper, more fruitful collaboration.

Class 3

Deepening Your Relationship With Your Business Deva

Do you love your business? Do you love it so much that you want it to be itself, even if that isn’t what you imagined it to be, or what you’re comfortable with?

In the third class, you’ll write a Love Letter to the Deva of your business, giving yourself freedom & permission to play, as you establish a more harmonious & loving relationship with the soul of your business.

Class 4


The Power to see. The Power to choose. The Power to act. To bring your project from the realm of possibility into concrete reality, you need Power.

In the fourth class, you’ll develop right relationship with power. You’ll explore your ability to see, choose and act in ways that enhance your personal power — giving shape & form to your dreams & aspirations.

As you bring your creative project into reality, you participate in the primal activity of generation, creation and manifestation that takes place across the Universe.

In the fifth class, you’ll access powerful allies in the subtle energy realms to help you energize your project, closing the gap between your intentions … and your actions.

Class 5

Devas + Your Project

Class 6

Inner Knowing, Willingness + Belief

To bring your project into being, you have to truly want it. In the sixth class, you’ll explore the cultural programming that sits under the skin of your current beliefs — beliefs about what is truly possible, for your life & business.

And with the help of the Deva of Surrender, you’ll dissolve beliefs and programming that keep you from your heart’s desire. You will reclaim your power to know and act on your inner truth.

Class 7

Your Project Deva

In the seventh class, you’ll feel the flow of your life touching and blending with your Business Deva’s presence — the expanded field of potential and power that emerges from the collaboration between you.

You’ll continue the journey into the land of your creative project — invoking a blessing of Ease to carry you through to completion.

Class 8

Inner Resources, Inner Obstacles

Your project will have inner and outer resources that support it, as well as inner and outer obstacles that challenge it.

In the eighth class, you’ll make a list of your gifts and talents, your skills and experience — everything that makes you who you are — as well as the inner obstacles that hold you back from success & completion.

And, you will work with energy alchemy processes to access your inner resources, and to clear your inner obstacles.

Class 9

Outer Resources, Outer Obstacles

In the ninth class, you’ll explore the resources in your business’s ecology that can propel your project towards completion — money, relationships, partners, allies, communications channels, systems & structures.

You’ll also work towards dissolving the outer obstacles that can hold you back — by healing relationships with their counterparts in the subtle energy world.

Class 10

Form, Pattern + Essence

In the tenth class, you’ll visit five areas within the country of your project: The Lands of Who, Where, What, Why, and When.

As you travel through each area with the curiosity of an intrepid explorer & gatherer of information, you’ll begin to write the story of your project, in its completion — a story you’ll empower through a special energetic process.

Class 11

Harmonising Form, Pattern + Essence

Your creative project has physical qualities that must align with its spiritual counterparts. These physical qualities include its aesthetic — the look and feel of what you’re creating. Its price. Its content. The value it brings to your clients and customers. The value it brings to your own life.

In the eleventh class, you’ll clarify the physical elements of your project — harmonizing form, pattern & essence, as you bring your project into reality more quickly and efficiently.

Class 12

Closing Circle

You’ve traveled a long way. At the end of this journey, you’ll find yourself at the threshold of the emerging story of your life and business. You’ve released, let go, and created the next chapter of your business’s unfolding story.

How it Works

This is a LIVE program that runs from 04 Mar - Jun 28, 2024

When you enrol in Become Your Own Business Advisor, you’ll instantly receive The World of Your Business Playbook and The World of Your Business Clarity Review Workbook, so you can begin diving in to the questions and reflections they offer, even before class begins.

Three times a month from March through June, we’ll also gather on a LIVE video call where Ellie will personally guide you through the course, adding context, helping you embody the principles deeply, and answering your specific questions along the way. Recordings will be provided — so no worries if you aren’t able to join one or more of these sessions live!

You’ll also be supported the entire time inside a private, brand-NEW community we’ve created, where you can ask clarifying questions and share insights along the way. Ellie and the Deva Alchemy team will personally be available in the group to help guide your exploration as needed.

  • When you purchase Become Your Own Business Adviser you’ll receive:

    • 12 soulfully crafted audio lessons, released over 12 weeks’ time

    • Easy-to-read transcripts of all of the audio lessons

    • Comprehensive Q&A, shared from past students

    And they’re all yours to keep forever.

  • For four months, we’ll gather on the first three Wednesdays of the month in a LIVE video call, where I’ll offer additional context and teachings to supplement the course lessons.

    This will also be a time for powerful practice and application of the week’s lessons — a crucial step in effecting transformation.

    The soul’s creative power is accessed through the body. So, I’ll help you embody these practices and integrate them fully in your life, answering questions and helping resolve challenges along the way. 

    All sessions will be conducted from 5-6.30pm GMT/BST via live video. (Click here to convert to your time zone.)

    Recordings of each session will also be provided — so if you aren’t able to join us live, you’ll still benefit from the richness of the live experience.

  • You’ll receive access to an online private community, which includes support from Ellie and the Deva Alchemy Academy team to help make the most of your journey.

    You’ll also be able to meet and get to know a brilliant group of peers for connection, collaboration, and creative inspiration.

    All the details about how to access and make the most of the community will be provided prior to the program start on 4th March.

  • You’ll also receive exclusive bonus material from the Deva Alchemy team, including:

    • A Guide to Project Management, to help simplify and expedite your projects.

    • A bonus masterclass: “How to Build A More Prosperous Business Through Harm-Free Marketing”

When you enrol by 3rd March 2024, you’ll also receive these valuable bonuses:

The World of Your Business Playbook (Fillable)

This digital interactive playbook includes profoundly playful questions, prompts, and worksheets to clarify your values, envision the world you want to create in your business, and bring it to vivid, vibrant life.

The World of Your Business Clarity Review Workbook

This unique, soulfully crafted workbook will help you clearly assess the ecology of your business, determine what is working well and what needs release, re-visioning or further development now.

Enrollment for this session of BYOBA is now closed.

What You’ll Create

Past students have made miraculous entrepreneurial strides, on a number of levels — financially, spiritually and creatively. Like them, when you begin this self-study program you’ll enter a creative container — placing your business in a state of miraculously accelerated evolution, opening up possibilities for you to create things such as…

  • Profitable new products and programs that serve your ideal audience in meaningful ways

  • More revenue in the next 3-6 months than you earned for the entire 12 months prior

  • Marketing and promotional channels that feel playful and joyous — not full of drudgery

  • Systems and structures to automate — or delegate — your everyday business tasks, creating a business that supports the life you want

  • A team that is efficient, productive and loves helping you move your vision forward

  • New income streams that used to seem out of reach

  • The magnetic pull your business exerts through inner harmony and coherency, so that the right clients and partnerships show up to help you grow and expand beyond anything you may have dreamed of

  • A co-creative partnership with the soul of your business – your Business Deva — to guide your business decisions and receive miraculous, multi-dimensional support

  • Profound clarity on exactly what you want more of in your business and what you need to let go of so you can bring it to life

  • Strategies for self-care and deep replenishment to ensure that you can create and serve joyfully for many decades to come

Transformation awaits..

Become Your Own Business Advisor is an intelligently designed roots-to-shoots program addressing every area of your business — from business planning, to business development, to daily operations, setting goals, managing projects, marketing, and more — all from the profoundly effective approach of co-creating with your soul, and the soul of your business.

No matter how long you’ve been an entrepreneur, building and growing your business at every stage can feel complex and overwhelming, particularly if your work is your art and you find that one-size-fits-all formulas don’t work for you.

In BYOBA, you’ll experience a transformative shift as you learn key concepts to build and grow your business from the inside out. You’ll find, as you step through the lessons and apply the practices, that:

  • Business planning becomes joyful and creative, with plenty of room for flexibility and fluidity — rather than a frustrating act of forcing yourself to commit to artificial deadlines and shifting bottom lines.

  • Daily administration and management of your business becomes an act of devotion, carried out in joyful partnership with your Business Deva.

  • Your business operations flow with more ease and spaciousness, as you discover new, creative, made-for-you ways to approach your work.

  • You no longer feel dread, overwhelm or confusion about business development, because you’re co-creating in partnership with your soul, and the soul of your business. Your next steps are crystal clear, and you trust the unfurling evolution of your business.

  • Your business strategy unfolds in a way that feels like a natural expression of your soul, rather than a “competitive advantage” designed to help you “dominate” in the marketplace.

  • Project management in your business becomes artful and playful, an act of making your soul’s desires visible rather than forcing them into a dry schedule of tasks and activities.

  • You become masterful at assessing risk in your business, choosing paths that serve you deeply while growing your business strategically.

  • You have more spaciousness and freedom to consider the “big picture” of your business, its life beyond you, its place in the world, and the legacy you are building.

  • Your leadership skills grow, as you stretch your entrepreneurial muscles and discover the true contours of the genius within you.

  • Communication and collaboration with your team members, your clients, and your colleagues becomes more honest, open, sovereign and clear, leading to greater efficiency and deeper, more joyful connection.

  • You set goals in your business that are clearly aligned with your values, improvise and alter them when circumstances call for change, and meet them more joyfully, with greater ease and delight.

  • Your entire client management process — from first contact to long-term relationship — is clear and clean, with strong yet flexible boundaries and authentic communication that leads to transformative results.

  • The knot of anxiety you used to feel about marketing your business, promoting your products and services, and placing advertising is gone — because your sales and marketing systems develop out of integrity and heart.

When you build and grow your business in partnership with its Deva, and from the foundation of your own soul’s deepest desires for creativity and contribution, all of the “to-do”s that overwhelm and frustrate you can become activities you look forward to – and that grow your business in a joyful and sustainable way.

A note from Ellie…

There is so much delight and creative freedom in being an entrepreneur.

And there is also this – the tight-rope-without-a-net of bone-rattling risk, responsibility that can feel like a bear on your chest, digging deep for more courage, more faith, more trust in yourself, more strength and vulnerability and flexibility and heart than you ever thought you had in you. 

That’s the thing about creating a business that’s bigger than yourself, one that may well outlive you. As you grow it, it grows you. You grow in power, in discernment, in focus, purpose, clarity and wisdom. In your willingness to do hard things, take bold risks, handle consequences with humour and grace, pivot when necessary, stay true to your vision through wild success, abject failure, and everyday service and devotion.

Become Your Own Business Advisor is for those of you whose business is your art. For you who know that your creativity and genius fuel not just your own growth and the growth of your business, but that contribute to building a kinder, more just, more prosperous world that works for everyone.

Success Stories


  • Become Your Own Business Advisor is designed for current & emerging entrepreneurs. If you’re not already running a business, but have a (relatively) clear concept for the business you want to create, BYOBA can help you clarify the shape & form of your emerging business.

    We’ve had several early entrepreneurs in past classes, who have made miraculous strides towards launching their businesses. Having said that, BYOBA does not teach business-as-usual. We don’t focus on SEO, USPs or any of the other acronyms that are so popular in the zeitgeist of business right now. Our approach to marketing, sales, business models, revenue and lead generation, among other things, is always an inside-out approach.

    I believe you have everything you need within you, to craft a profitable business that emerges from your soul and your deepest desires. This means that the business you create, and the shape you give it, will be uniquely yours.

  • If your business is in an awkward transition, the energy alchemy tools and skills you’ll learn in BYOBA can help you connect with the soul of your business, and literally ask your business what it wants to become. The answer may surprise you!

    The soul of your business contains its essence, as well as the different and evolving forms it will take over the course of its life. BYOBA will give you the tools to clarify and give concrete shape and form to this evolution.

  • BYOBA is a powerful introduction to the tools and processes of energy alchemy, applied to the creative container of your business. The program will provide you with a foundation of skills which you can use to dive deep during 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

    Ultimately, where you choose to begin depends on your own needs, learning style, budget & schedule. It also depends on where you are, in the evolution of your business. Some people thrive when they make their own schedule and work independently. Others flourish best when they are working one-on-one, with personalized, focused attention and mentoring from me. And still others want both!

    If you know what works best for you, then please begin there. If you don’t, I’d recommend beginning with BYOBA or with one of my other group programs. If you later choose to work with me privately, you will have the energy alchemy skills with which to powerfully shape the evolution of your business.

  • Your business has its own soul, which holds the pattern for its perfect unfolding. When you work consciously with this pattern to bring it into the world, you are aligning yourself with your business’s inner ecology. This allows your business to evolve organically, in harmony with its ecology, and in seemingly effortless, miraculous ways.

    Your business also has powerful allies and helpers in many dimensions who are invested in its success – just as much as you are. When you develop a relationship with your inner business adviser – and with the soul of your business – you can collaborate with these allies and helpers to co-create your business with ease.

    With the help of your allies, you can create a business model that serves your true desires, and launch & sustain profitable programs & offerings. You can enrich the lives of the people you serve, and be supported by them in turn. You can reshape your business to serve the life you truly want – and to contribute to the quality of the world in which you want to live.

  • Oh, so many marvels! Past students have made miraculous entrepreneurial strides, on a number of levels — financially, spiritually and creatively. Like them, when you begin this self-paced program you’ll enter a creative container that holds your business in a field of miraculously accelerated evolution, opening up possibilities for you to create things such as…

    Profitable new products and programs that serve your ideal audience in meaningful ways.

    More revenue in the next 6 months than you’ve ever generated before.

    New markets and opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere, that open up entire new revenue streams for your business and position your business as a leader in its field.

    Marketing and promotional channels that feel playful and joyous — rather than a dreary slog.

    Systems and structures to automate — or delegate — your everyday business processes, creating a business that has its own life, beyond yours, and that supports the life you want.

    A team that is efficient, innovative, productive and loves moving your vision forward.

    New income streams that grow out of the foundation you’ve built, but open up exciting new possibilities.

    The magnetic pull your business exerts through inner harmony and coherency, so that the right clients and partnerships show up to help you grow and expand beyond anything you may have dreamed of.

    A co-creative partnership with the soul of your business – your Business Deva — that guides your business decisions and provides miraculous, multi-dimensional support.

    Profound clarity on exactly what you want more of in your business and what you need to let go of so you can bring it to life.

    Strategies for self-care, community care, and deep replenishment to ensure that you and your business can serve joyfully for many decades to come.

  • The amount of time will be different for each person. The program is designed for intimate, personal growth and learning. The classes are delivered digitally so that you can pause the audio recordings at any time, and work with them at your own pace. This is experiential learning, which means that your engagement with each class will transform you if you are receptive to it.

    Transformation has its own rhythm and timing, which varies not only from person to person, but also depends on what’s going on in your life, how you process change, and where your own particular challenges and gifts intersect with the program materials. You’ll find that certain classes call you into a deeper inner engagement than others, because the material there meets an inner need in you that’s ready to be addressed at that moment.

  • There’s no time limit. You can download the program materials as soon as you make your purchase. All of the course materials are yours to keep forever.

  • This program will transform your life and the life of your business, if you commit to it wholeheartedly. So if you’re ambivalent about transformation, prefer incremental change, or if you are deeply invested in the status quo, BYOBA is probably not for you. The program will give you the tools and skills to grow your business by growing yourself. It requires your willingness to explore your own light and shadow, and to take full responsibility for choosing and crafting the life and the business you desire.

    BYOBA is a journey of exploration and discovery, where you seek and find your own truth, and act on your inner knowing. You’ll receive the tools, skills, structure and guidance to support you along the way. But, if you’re looking for someone to tell you what to do, this program won’t be a good fit for you.

    If you find it difficult to accept responsibility for your choices and actions, if you want someone else to do the work for you, if you’re unwilling to make friends with your creative power, or if you simply don’t have the time or energy to do the work, the program isn’t right for you.

    If you don’t believe in the existence of soul and subtle energies, and are not receptive to exploring how they work in your life and your business, this is not the program for you.

    There will be parts of you that are afraid of the unknown, parts of you that fear your radiance and power and prefer to hide in the shadows. This program will help you meet your inner selves with love and compassion, kindness and clarity, so you can unfold the miracle that is your life and your business’s life.

    Finally, BYOBA is a powerfully transformative program. It requires resilience and the capacity to take responsibility for your own inner states of being — physical, mental and emotional — in a compassionate way. BYOBA is not a substitute for psychotherapy or other medical treatment. If you are in a fragile state of mind, or are experiencing an emotional or mental health issue that requires professional treatment, BYOBA may not be right for you.

  • It isn’t necessary to have a specific project in mind when you begin the program. The energy alchemy skills the program is designed to teach are best learned by applying them to a concrete, real-life situation. So the first couple of classes offer ways for you to explore what you want to create, and invite you to choose a project as your starting point. Projects can and do change, as you get deeper into the program and develop a relationship with your true desires.

  • An investment is required (beyond financial) of both me and each of the program participants in order for this container to unfold in full integrity. Because of that, tuition for this program is non-refundable.

    If you’re wondering if the program is right for you, please take some time to get familiar with my work so that you can make an informed decision. If you haven't already registered for this masterclass - I invite you to do so (it's free), watch the replay, and see whether the work is resonant for you.

    Still not sure? Turn to your own wisdom. Ground and center yourself. Then, ask yourself one simple question: If I trusted myself fully, what would I choose to do?

    Have a specific question? Contact my team for more help. Thank you!

Enrol by 3rd March 2024, and you’ll also receive these valuable bonuses:

The World of Your Business Playbook (Fillable)

This digital interactive playbook includes profoundly playful questions, prompts, and worksheets to clarify your values, envision the world you want to create in your business, and bring it to vivid, vibrant life.

The World of Your Business Clarity Review Workbook

This unique, soulfully crafted workbook will help you clearly assess the ecology of your business, determine what is working well and what needs release, re-visioning or further development now.

Join us! Registration is open until 3rd March, 2024

Enrollment for this session of BYOBA is now closed.

“I have completed my first pass of Become Your Own Business Adviser. WOW WOW WOW.

This material is so rich and so life changing. Thank you for creating it and offering it to us in this way.

I moved through the material weekly and in a few deep retreat times over these last few months, and I’ve also laid in daily time in my 2022 calendar to work through each week as a MONTH in the coming year. It might even be longer than a month for me explore the material of each week and practice with it.

I am totally new to working with the subtle energy realm and the exercises are wonderful. The whole layout of the course is beautiful, and the tech is simple and easy to work with. I loved it.

While working through the course, I worked on the reVisions to my novel and created and began a lovely small Fiction Circle as part of my Soul Stories business. The course work gave me clarity and support to take the leap into the creation of this first Soul Stories Circle and it is going really well. Wheeee!

I have much work to do in certain areas and am beginning my year long journey through the course with the practice of strengthening my first chakra and getting to know the deva of Abundance. Right now, doing this daily work in the mornings and evenings feels really good and is shifting things on a deep level for me. I am so grateful.

I am also looking forward to spending time each week with my inner selves and taking my time with all the wonders in the Resource Library.

I will be working with the practices in this course for years to come.”

Pam Bustin, Creator, Editor, Story Tender.


“I wanted to deepen my daily spiritual practice and learn how to integrate it more fully into my business.

The energy alchemy skills we learned in BYOBA were beyond anything I’d ever experienced before. I received many insights, new ideas, and a whole new way to harness my inner CEO. I now have a constant connection to my inner business adviser.

Within the first few weeks I attracted and manifested amazing new opportunities and alliances. Now, as I revisit the material, I find deeper layers of understanding myself, my business, and how I can use all my natural strengths to elevate my business and create greater success through working with energy alchemy.

This program is magic.”

Tova Payne Business Coach and Strategist to Soulful Solopreneurs

“With over five decades of walking true songlines, I am not easily, truly tugged.

I moved in. BYOBA.

Words resonated, truth touched. Startling questions that rang right through me. The medicine bottle of my Being, sometimes shaken. Cleansing, clarifying, things falling away and things emerging.

My business? The feeling I have is of coming home. Something simple and honest and ‘obvious’ reveals itself. As much as everything changes, (and it has!), there is deep re-membering in here. Grounded knowing. The depth of ‘this is on’. Alive and ongoing.

Breathing gratitude.”

Narelle Carter-Quinlan, Image maker of the Body-Land, Creator of Studio Scoliosis (yoga), Transformer

“Sometimes in life you meet someone who helps you turn left rather than go straight on. At Sarsen we asked Ellie to guide us as a group of Partners & engage with our Council too. Our work with Ellie has really really challenged my mental treadmill of stimulus to response…her gift inviting me to find a gap and make other choices which are often far more conducive to life.

With her gentle, warm & masterful guidance we have explored a multi sensory world that I knew existed albeit didn’t know how to access apart from happy accidents. This connection to life has brought us collectively more presence, more energy and openness to our hearts. It has helped us untangle ourselves from what we are doing, giving us sovereignty whilst recognising that Sarsen also has its own spirit and essence.

In this uncoupling so we feel freer to both serve our joint purpose and balance our lives across the breadth of what we do. Thank you Ellie for your wisdom & love, your preparedness to get into the weeds with us and also continue to hold the vision of Sarsen and make room for the resources it needs to flourish.

I do believe every organisation would benefit hugely from this knowledge and practice, as would all those who serve and contribute within. If you’re reading this…I encourage you to be curious and walk alongside Ellie…I promise it’s a rich and rewarding journey”.

Simon Hampel, Founding Partner at SARSEN

(Corporate/Partner/Board Level Group Coaching Client)

“I did Become Your Own Business Adviser 3-4 times in the course of 2 years as I was restructuring my Creative Dream Circle. I’m really proud of what I’ve created and deeply grateful to BYOBA for helping me do it.

This year I’ve really been marveling at my business, at how I always have more than enough money flowing in WITHOUT me actually doing any “selling.” (My “marketing plan” is simply to live in integrity with what I teach, create what I’m inspired to create, and share what I discover in the process — which is the ultimate gig for an artist!)

The right people keep finding me because the paths are all lit up with the essence of my work — trust and creativity and power and the magic of creating your life as you wish it to be.

I can’t recommend Become Your Own Business Adviser, highly enough.”

Andrea Schroeder, Founder of The Creative Dream Incubator

“Become Your Own Business Adviser was the perfect thing at the perfect time.

I have struggled for years to make my business financially viable, sustainable and more easeful. I have poured time and money and energy into business courses and found some good teaching there and also experienced some trauma from trying to fit models that didn’t work for me. I have reached a point where cookie-cutter methods are not right for me anymore.

I took the course because I longed to partner more deeply with the soul of my work, to receive and trust my own guidance, and find what is right and true for me. I didn’t want to be told what I need to do or to follow masculine approaches to business. I wanted to discover within, to follow my own soulful path and trust that, to unwind old patterns and summon miracles in my life and work. And to finally have my business be sustainable and grow.

Become Your Own Business Adviser has been a miracle, life-changing work, and just what I needed. This work is like nothing else out there, deep, soulful, practical, penetrating, magical. The processes I learned I will continue to use for a lifetime. They give me the tools to grow my work organically in ways that are right for me and for my business.

I’m just at the beginning with this work, and the growth is slow, but I feel a confidence, clarity and strong foundation I have never had in my business. I am undoing long-standing patterns inside, so it takes patience, but it is worth it. I feel I have ways to guide my life and partner with life to take me through whatever changes lie ahead in our world, my work and my life.'

Maxima Kahn, poet, teacher, firekeeper

“This work is truly transformative. I am truly transformed!

I took BYOBA because although I’ve been in business for 14 years it feels like I’ve been hustling to keep afloat that whole time. Prior to BYOBA I was feeling exhausted, jaded and had lost a lot of my joy and enthusiasm.

I’d been doing the outer work of refining my offerings, launching new products, changing my marketing and trying different things but it all felt too much like hard work. I knew there had to be a more ease-filled and sustainable way to run my business, and I knew I had to make some fundamental shifts on an inner level to make my best offering to the world. I feel very different now – much more grounded, focused, inspired and happy.

BYOBA has given me more than I could ever have imagined – personally and professionally. Clients have told me how much more powerful the space I hold for them is, since enrolling in BYOBA, so my work is more effective. When you let yourself be nourished on this deep soul level, you are more able to nourish your clients and customers in return.

BYOBA is undoubtedly the most powerful and transformative programme I’ve experienced and I know that I will use the resources for life. I am so grateful to the richness of BYOBA and the open-hearted community who share this sacred space. I recommend BYOBA wholeheartedly.”

Jackie Stewart

“My energetic experience of my business and my life has evolved from fine to beyond thriving. What was muddled in my business relationships, structures and decision-making is now clear and cascading, through tools I return to again and again.

The first time I took Becoming Your Own Business Advisor I experienced creative collaboration and flow galore.

My recording engineer who had been unavailable for a year suddenly finished audio mixes I’d been awaiting.

I discovered the person practicing yoga next to me each morning was a photographer, and he gifted me multiple free photo shoots to build his portfolio.

My chant CD Halleluyah All Night, its packaging and promo were complete in just weeks. I found a new recording studio in my neighborhood, received word that my percussionist from afar was traveling into town, and we recorded the entire audio for my next CD, in one weekend!

I visioned a new home at the start of the course, and started moving there before it was over.

So when BYOBA was offered again a few months later, there was no question that I was signing up.

This go-round:

I launched BlissRoot, the devotional record label I’d been dreaming for ages, and cultivated collaborations that are launching my work as a recording artist and ritual artist on a much grander scale.

I took a Dance Teacher Training I’ve been craving for years and am now teaching dance.

I entered the realms of social media for the first time (Hello, FaceBook!) and take off on my first West Coast tour from my now-full-time home in lush, rustic land-based community.

Even with class over, I turn to the tools again and again. The grounding track on How To Rule Your World remains essential to my daily morning practice. The Pool of Release calls me whenever I am ready to clear clutter internally or literally.

I am beyond grateful.”

Holly Taya Shere, Transformative Songwriter, Recording Artist, Priestess

“Yearning for a deeper connection to my heart’s work, I left my job as a surgeon at a university hospital. Working in an institution like this felt stifling and lifeless. I wanted to open an alternative private practice which incorporates all my knowledge of medicine.

Over the years I had had to hide my interest in alternative medicine and I struggled to find my voice. I was looking for clarity on every level, and a way to access the knowledge that I knew was within me, but which felt out of reach and blocked.

As I worked through the Become Your Own Business Adviser program, I was astonished by the profound shifts that occurred, both within me and in my sense of how to shape my business to bring my work into the world.

Now, I face my future with lucidity, a clear sense of my voice, and complete calm. I know where to go, and I know I’m not alone — there are always allies willing to help me.

This is deep and fulfilling work. Thank you!”

Dr. Tiny Jaentsch, Surgeon. Petersberg, Germany

“Become Your Own Business Adviser helped me re-connect fragmented parts of myself like nothing before–it’s as if a glass ceiling between my daily life and my spirit life has disappeared. I can’t recommend the course highly enough.

I’ve discovered that I really don’t have to do everything alone. That the Devas are there, that I can have conversations with them, and that they can advise me. Concretely.

I can truly begin this year knowing that I’m on the right path and that I’m walking along it, not just standing, contemplating it!”

Lindsay McLeod, Guru Body

“I first came to the program because I was feeling the need for support to expand my vision for my life and my business. I felt like I was on the verge of a very big shift, and I wanted guidance, support, community, and wisdom.

I knew this course was going to be amazing, but I had no idea just how amazing it would be! It was beyond anything I could have imagined.

The work we did has inspired me to create two new programs and map out a vision for next year that is exciting and inspiring and much bigger than anything I had allowed myself to see before. Most of all, I feel like I can trust my own intuition, wisdom, heart and soul in everything now…even in business.”

Cindie Chavez, Intuitive Life and Relationship Coach

“The idea of becoming my own mentor appealed to me. I wanted to get back to my spiritual self, and I wanted a better relationship with my business. Enter: Become Your Own Business Advisor.

When I started the program, I was tired, and ready to be guided by my own compass. I yearned to connect more deeply with myself and my business. And although I didn’t have the language or the tools at the start, this is exactly what I got and more.

The biggest aha moment for me was when I realized that I had been holding onto my business tightly and trying to force it to be what I wanted it to be… instead of just letting my business grow the way it wanted to grow. Once I let go of that, things really started to shift for my business and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders too.

Now, my business is solid, expanding on its own, and the right clients are just showing up over and over again. I feel extremely supported — my business now supports me as I support it. There’s no weird interdependency, just a nice sovereign relationship.

After working through BYOBA I’ve found myself in the midst of the best business partnership I could ever have imagined. I’m working with someone who is in total alignment, whom I love and respect tremendously, and we both bring so much to each other’s businesses – it’s amazing. I’m so grateful for that shift!

Learning to work with the Devas has also changed the way I see things and interact with the world. I now turn inward before I try to “make things happen” outwardly. This has served me the best, and I know I will continue to deepen this work over time.

This is the most profound, business-shifting work I’ve done to date.”

Nathalie Lussier, Media and Marketing Specialist

“It’s hard to describe my experience of the Become Your Own Business Adviser class. A few words that come to mind: Poignant. Gentle. Clear. Vast. Glorious! I dug deep, became more present with myself AND my business, and learned how to attune and play with the subtle energies of both.

A lot has shifted. Majorly shifted! I became clear on what was no longer serving me (and released it) and am embracing and cultivating new and inspired ways of working in the world. Ways that I never would have expected!

The weekly calls and support from my classmates felt like a cozy container that helped hold me as I found, explored and dove into my own power.”

Stephanie Watanabe, Creative Consultant + Seeker of the Inspiring + THE GIRL WHO KNOWS

“I signed up for Become Your Own Business Adviser because I wanted to get clear about what my business has to offer, and I also wanted to create a product. I’ve often struggled with self-doubt, comparing myself to other people. This has made it hard for me to know what is unique about me and how my business can best serve my clients.

The program helped me align my offerings with my soul and the needs of my right people. Once I had done that, I was amazed at how quickly my project came together. And, despite the steep learning curve, the class was so much fun!

I revisit the program exercises often — they return my focus to the core of what I’m doing, and everything else becomes easy and clear. The biggest shift has been in my relationship with money, which has transformed from angst and fear to so much clarity, spaciousness and peace.

Using the resources from BYOBA, I created my product, The Radiance Kit, which is launching this week. It has received wonderful reviews from people who have beta-tested it, and I’m so happy to know that it is helping people make the shifts they want to make.

Become Your Own Business Adviser is beautiful, transformative, powerful work. I highly recommend it.”

Jane Cronin

“Ellie has a gift…

She shares her wisdom with a lightness and sense of humour that is beautifully accessible and deeply authentic. At first, I felt rather lost in my head. But - with her skill, patience and kindness I started to connect into my heart and find that deeper connection to my soul.

She has an ability to make the invisible become visible; while holding you as you travel on your own journey of growth and learning”

Gavin Hughes, Founding Partner at SARSEN

(Private Mentorship Client)

“I created and launched my very first online group program while working through BYOBA. The tools, visualizations and wisdom in BYOBA allowed me to meet this new experience with grace, clarity and confidence.

I believe the success of my program was absolutely informed by my transformational experience in BYOBA.”

Jac McNeil, Coach for Women Solopreneurs

“There is so much I want to say about Become Your Own Business Adviser. It was truly an incredible program. I miss it deeply and know I’ll work further on much of your life’s work. Thank you so very much…

Like a spiritual chiropractor, this work attuned every area of my life: intimate relationships, family, friends, teaching and communication, and a business project taking shape and happening.

This is deep, awesome, work. I highly recommend it.

When I started BYOBA, I felt like a tree without roots, ungrounded, easily distracted, somewhat scattered.

After BYOBA, I felt aligned, deeply present, personally powerful, clear, courageous, rooted, graceful, and decisive.

What I love so much about this work (among many, many things) is that it is gentle and deeply powerful (a beautiful contradiction). It is all about curious exploration, as opposed to a ‘formula’ to push change.

BYOBA is a treasure chest of spiritual and practical greatness. Every time I open it and work with it I find new perspective, an ‘a-ha”, a gem of wisdom, or a great ‘clunk’ of re-alignment in my life.

This is the most transformative class I’ve ever experienced.”

Gillian Berry
Educator, WildBlossomStudios.com

“When I started this program, I was hoping for a deeper, clearer connection to the Soul of my business.

My expectations were met and exceeded. I feel more balanced; I truly understand I am in partnership. And that the Soul of my business has all kinds of good help and information to offer and is SO ready and able to help me create what I want. I gained more connection in these few months of the program than in the previous 18 months of my business’ existence.

I’ve learned SO many helpful energy work techniques, each of them grounded in practical application, that I simply have to dance in delight.

I absolutely would recommend this program. Having a whole toolbox of energy technologies is amazing. Connecting with the myriad of support available at different dimensional levels; meeting in council with one’s various selves; and recognizing and clearing unhelpful patterns is not only useful but exciting. But having a way to look at potential business choices and see if they are in alignment is MAJOR. Who wouldn’t want to be able to do that?!”

Deborah Weber, Feel Good Energy Shift

“I have been working with Ellie over the past two years and I can quite honestly say my life has transformed. The practical and energetic tools Ellie offers have allowed me to explore life with a much greater sense of safety and self empowerment.

What I love about Ellie is not only her vast knowledge when it comes to energy or taking control of any and every part of your life, but the space she holds in each session. She is 100% in from the first second and you can feel it. She is also able to hold space for anything that comes up in a very gentle but also a wonderfully good humoured way.

To have her as a guide and mentor has been such a rewarding experience”.

Izo Fitzroy, Recording and Performing Artist

(Private Mentorship Client)

“I signed up for Become Your Own Business Adviser because I wanted more clarity around the message I was sharing with my audience. Doubt and uncertainty were exhausting me. Early on in the program I discovered that my biggest obstacle was that I doubted my dreams would ever come true.

I used to fret and worry about my business, and try to make things happen by prodding and poking at it. I worried that nothing would happen in my business if I was too laid back about it. Through the program, this fear has dissolved.

I have discovered the power of gentleness and kindness in creating my business. Learning to ground, center and walk with the Devas has given me a sense of ease and peace. It also helps me refrain from fear and avoidance in my work.

As I worked through the program, magical happenings and synchronicities showed up in my life and business. I look forward to widening my sphere of influence as my business shines its light more powerfully.

In place of the busy mind chatter that was holding me back, I now have strategies to clear the fog of doubt and uncertainty, and am growing my business in softer, more sustainable ways.”

Christi Jarland, Figure it Out with CJ

“I signed up for BYOBA because I knew there had to be a way to create a business in a deeper and more inspired way. When I read about BYOBA it really resonated in my soul and although I didn’t know exactly why, I signed up. This was a big investment for me but it felt so right.

This program is a divine mix of everything I love. Amazing ways of clearing out blockages, addressing fears and limitations and opening up for a bigger, bolder version of ourselves.

I started this program thinking I was going to write a book but realized that what really called to me was to create two retreats in Australia. Just realizing this was huge but as I went from thinking this-is-impossible to actually receiving the clear tools to make them happen, the miracles started unfolding.

Not only is the content in BYOBA extremely rich and solid, the group carries this beautiful energy and at the same time I always felt like we were all being held and supported with exactly what we needed.

During the live calls the love was palpable and I received so much one-on-one support with such clarity and depth I was often left speechless and with tears of gratitude in my eyes.

BYOBA has transformed my life and it has changed how I do business – and everything – forever. I now know how to connect with my business’s soul and each step I take has so much more meaning than before.

If you are ready for a major shift in consciousness and to embrace a bigger and more magical vision of yourself and your work, then this is for you. You will receive so much more beauty and love than you have ever asked for.”

Karina Ladet, Intuitive, Guide, Free Spirit
KarinaLadet.com and OurSoulTribe.com

“When I started BYOBA, I had little or no exposure to concepts like inner selves, chakras, or energy alchemy. This course opened up a whole new set of perspectives and tools with which to answer the most important questions in my life — and the benefits already extend beyond my business life.

This, combined with an active and generous community of peers sharing their learnings and experiences along the way, have enabled me to move beyond head-driven analysis into a more intuitive awareness of my business’s true purpose and how to make that manifest.

Thank you for everything!”

Catherine Ambrozewicz, Business Strategist

“The Become Your Own Business Adviser program is wonderful.

I came to the first class exhausted by everything I thought I ‘should’ be doing with my business.

I’d been reading blogs and books by experts and recovering from 6 months of intensive business coaching, all of which were taking me away from, not towards, myself and my business.

In 4 months I’ve gone from overwhelm, panic and distraction to calm, centered focus. I now have a clear road map for my business and am back in touch with the creative heart of my work.

Thanks to these wonderful teachings I’ve found the perfect business adviser for my work – me! – and I couldn’t be happier."

Lucy Head, Twig Garden Design

“If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been stuck in a dark tunnel in your business, stifled by the ‘do it this way’ of every coach and their dog, working with Ellie will feel like that first breath of fresh air at the end of it.

She’s like a little light in the gloom that says ‘come here, sit for a while and let’s breathe together amidst this madness’. 

Her sincerity for your heart and art is incredibly special. Transmitted through her grounded perspectives and beautiful wit, you feel truly held from all angles whilst in space with her, all whilst your business gets a chance to breathe again. 

I adored working with Ellie and will continue to do so for life in varying forms. It was through her work that I finally felt safe to ground into my business. I had felt turned off by the coaching industry with its plethora of ‘soul led’ strategies that turned out to be more marketing ploy than of anything of any substance.

I’m incredibly grateful for this woman and her magic and highly recommend all that she offers”.

Emma Barfield, Certified Inner-Leadership + Energetics Coach

(Private Mentorship Client)

“When I first took BYOBA, I was in the process of shutting down my business of 19 years, and was feeling very stressed, sad, and uncertain about my future. I didn’t know what to expect from the program. I just wanted support through the unbelievably stressful transition, and was desperate to feel differently about being in business.

Even though this is a group program, Hiro worked personally with me on almost every single group call. She is so knowledgeable and gifted, and she supported us all with such love, compassion and clarity. I have learned to value and trust my own voice, let go of the pain from my past, and build a real sense of grounding, belonging, abundance and strength.

I have taken the program twice now, and have emerged with a clear new business direction. But the most significant transformation has been that I have finally learned that I am worthy of self-love — and am experiencing just what that feels like. This realization has changed the way I live my life.

Working with Hiro in BYOBA is like stepping into a cathedral, thinking you will be there with the crowds, and discovering you are somehow in the most beautiful, spacious, private sanctum with your own soul.”

Susan Seale, Founder of Make Me Musical

“There have been things that I have been meaning to do for months — and even years — with my business that I have finally completed. My relationship with myself has been strengthened and healed, and I’m excited about the work that I’m doing to bring my business into integrity with my purpose.

I have a clearer sense of intention and a deeper, more powerful level of trust in myself.”

Shannon Wilkinson

“Become Your Own Business Adviser was a magical and deeply transformational journey that created dramatic shifts inside me personally and in my business.

I fell in love with the visualizations and I deeply connected to the inner world within me. Thank you for this one of a kind experience!”

Edita Atteck, Journey to Healing, Personal Transformation Catalyst

“I just listened again to the guided meditation from Become Your Own Business Adviser, where you led us through the home of our heart.

I found so much peace, strength and love the first time I experienced it, and it was just as powerful today.

Thank you so, so much.”

Briana Aldrich, Business Strategist

“Thank you so much for the deep, rich and profound experience that is Become Your Own Business Advisor. I was guided to it because I knew it was time to raise my own level of sovereignty and self-trust in all matters to do with my business (as well as my life).

The program provided more than I ever anticipated. My ability to discern what is right and true for me, and to address external business matters and relationships through the use of these alchemy tools, are at an unprecedented level. Grateful for, and enthusiastic about, this jewel of a program!”

Lisa Berkovitz, Founder, Project Sweet Spot

“I use the skills we learned in Become Your Own Business Adviser regularly! It has helped me so much to be able to manage my energy in all kinds of situations.

I have integrated it into the work I do with clients as well. We are all benefiting from the ripple outward started by your wise, patient, keenly perceptive and balanced work.

Your program is one of the things I am most grateful for this year!”

Lailey Jenkins, Clinical Psychotherapist

“The techniques taught in the BYOBA course helped me really get to know the soul of my business, and to work with it as a friend and ally.

I took this course when my business was a teeny tiny baby. I was putting the finishing touches on my website and thinking about initial products and offerings.

During the course I took this as my project – figuring out what my first product would be, and how to go about creating it. I met the ebook I was considering writing and got clear that it was not the project I most wanted to work on right then. I also had the information I needed to put it aside for the moment and focus instead on individual client work.

My favorite part of the course was learning techniques for maintaining and taking care of my energy on a daily basis. I knew before the course that this was a significant gap in my education as a human being. But I didn’t know how to go about remedying this deficit, or even what, precisely, I needed to learn.

I learned tools for maintaining my energetic sphere and making decisions that I had been wanting to forever. Now I use these skills every single day in every realm of my life, including my business.”

Amna Ahmad, The Pragmatic Hybrid

“Expanded vision, empowered healing, growth made easy — these are just a few of the gifts I received from participating in Become Your Own Business Adviser.

I moved through a wall of obstacles that I had kept hitting, in the past, whenever I wanted to increase my public profile. I deepened my connection with helpers who have always been with me in profound and practical ways. And I found the ease and confidence to choose and to progress on the path that I had been seeking.”

Kathryn Elliott, PhD. Editor in Chief

Copyright © Ellie Seilern 2024