A Practical System To Upgrade Your Business + Scale With Soul
A 12-Month Accelerator & Mastermind to Create Miraculous Business Growth with Soulful Strategy and Energetic Mastery
With Ellie Seilern — Multidimensional Business Mentor, Strategist & Teacher to Visionary Founders, Leaders + Practitioners of Transformation
Grow a business that feels like Home — for you, your clients, and the soul-work you’re here to do.
What if your business wasn’t just something you built… but something you co-created with the intelligence of its soul — and yours?
What if growth felt expansive and exciting, rather than exhausting — and success felt natural, aligned, and free from sacrifice or compromise?
And what if business could feel like a sacred partnership — where growth emerges organically, attuned to your unique rhythm, creative genius, and highest calling?
It all begins with ONE foundational truth: YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT YOU.
It has its own soul, its own sentience, its own Genius and gifts — and its own unfolding potentiality.
It also has its own energy field, that is separate from yours.
Your business has its own purpose and reason for being, its own allies and partners, and its own sources of support and sustenance. Despite conventional thinking, the success of your business does not rest on your efforts alone.
Its life is intimately woven with yours, because it emerges from your heart, your vision. You nourish it with your energy, time, money and resources. But… your business is not you.
Once you truly understand this, it radically changes the way you do business.
Given the right support, your business will grow to serve and nourish you, as well as the people and causes you love.
But the Soul of your Business relies on YOU to act in the physical world. The success of your business will depend on how effectively you partner with it to bring your joint vision to life.
At this point, you may be thinking… but how? This is a mind-blowing concept, but is it possible to translate this principle into an actionable business methodology?
Yes, it is! You can learn how to co-create miracles with the Soul of your Business by AMPLIFYING your existing skills with the power of Energy-Alchemy.
Using specialised, targeted energy technologies that work directly on your business’s energy-field, as well as your own, you can give your business exactly what it needs in order to grow into its full capacity.
In The Sacred Business Academy, we have developed a powerful, proprietary training system to help Founders and Leaders like YOU to understand, recognise and address the unseen forces that influence your business’s success.

Welcome to The Sacred Business Academy — Your Space to Make Miracles with the Soul of Your Business.
This is no ordinary business-building program. It’s a transformational container that supports you in building a business that not only grows with you, but nourishes you — a space where Soul and strategy meet refined energy-alchemy technologies, so that you can make bold, world-changing moves, and grow a business that truly serves the unfolding potential of the life of our world.
This 12-month immersive mentorship is designed for visionary founders, leaders, and entrepreneurs like YOU, so that you can:
Grow and scale your business in a way that feels natural, sustainable, and aligned with your Soul’s deepest vision and values — not just to achieve success, but to create something truly exceptional.
Generate abundant wealth whilst serving the Sacred and humanity with your work — to uplift, inspire, and transform lives on a profound level.
Understand, recognise and address the unseen forces that influence your business’s success.
Learn to apply energetic tools and technologies that translate your Soul’s desires into concrete outcomes in your business, so you can become a confident, consistent creator of your own success.
This one-of-a-kind mastermind-accelerator blends practical strategy with energy intelligence, intuitive alignment, and quantum business technologies — helping you to build a wildly successful business from the inside out.
How would it feel to have cutting edge tools + practices, expert guidance, and an intimate container in which you can grow your business into its fullest potential?
The Sacred Business Academy offers 12 full months of training + support that meets you where you are, helping to solve problems like:
🌀 I’m fully committed to my business, and yet my relationship with it has become strained.
You feel merged, enmeshed or co-dependent with your business. You feel personally responsible for its success (your mental health even hinges on it) and you can’t seem to switch off from it… ever.
Or, you may feel distant and disconnected from your business. Perhaps you’ve fallen spectacularly out of love with it. You no longer trust it, you don’t feel worthy and you daydream of closing the whole thing down and becoming a gardener…
🌀 Is my unhealed trauma affecting my business?
You know your familial + cultural programming is profoundly obstructing your personal power and creative Genius. You’ve constructed tightly wound narratives of what you can or can’t be, do or have. You’ve tried everything to release those patterns (without success) — and at this point, you fear you’re stuck with them for life.
🌀 I’m exhausted by the constant guesswork as to why thing’s aren’t working.
You can’t “see” the invisible forces that influence your business’s success. You might see the symptoms of your business’s problems — like poor sales numbers, low sign-ups for your free content, or a lack of engagement when you try to connect — but you can't see what's causing the symptom.
🌀 As a Founder/Leader/CEO, I’m used to making big moves — and yet I’m not sure I have any real power in actually making things happen.
A lot of what you’re doing in the business just isn’t working. It feels frustrating, bewildering and soul-crushing. You have big, audacious goals, but at this point they feel like pipe-dreams, bobbing along on the currents of chance, with no discernible road-map to achieving them.
🌀 I struggle with perpetual uncertainty when making micro or macro decisions.
The single, biggest thing that keeps you up at night is worrying about where your business is going. The road ahead always seems so foggy! You’re having to make bold moves with limited insight or foresight, and it’s stressful, draining and feels inefficient. If only there was a way to assess the implications of your options before making concrete decisions…. (clue: there is! Read on)
🌀 I can’t seem to get crystal clear on my branding, positioning and messaging.
You’re constantly trying to “nail” your USP, often comparing yourself to your peers and competitors, and straining to differentiate yourself and stand out in a saturated market. You’ve invested valuable time and money into various marketing tricks, none of which feel good, or seem to make any real difference to your bottom line.
🌀 I sometimes question whether I’m really meant to be doing this at all…is my business on the “wrong” track?
You passionately believe in the truth and power of your own soul purpose. And yet… is following your soul’s purpose meant to feel this hard? How do you know if you, and your business, are in alignment? Are you pushing on a door that’s not meant to be opened in the first place?
🌀 I want to grow my business, and be richly compensated for my work, but is it possible without sacrificing my time, freedom and values?
Your business is your Beloved — and your diligence and dedication are not the issue. You’re longing to grow and scale your business to exponential growth and success, but you’re afraid it’ll lead to burn-out. And yet… your heart tells you there is way to have success without forfeiting your wellbeing. What you really want is organic, sustainable growth that honours the rhythms of rest, play, creative, spiritual and family life.
It doesn’t have to be so hard, so stressful, or so draining. Truly. There is another way…
By learning and implementing the energy-alchemy approach to running your business, you’ll learn how to:
Profoundly heal your relationship with your business, so that the relationship between you becomes one of love and creative collaboration based in sovereignty, rather than one that is weighed down by debt, burden, responsibility and obligation. Your business can flourish even when you are going through difficult times, if you establish clear and loving boundaries between your life and the life of your business.
Mitigate uncertainty, overwhelm and paralysis in your business; by accessing its invisible energetic framework, using targeted energy alchemy technologies. No more guesswork and overwhelm, instead you’ll discover clear, effective solutions to your most pressing creative and strategic challenges.
Explore and heal your business’s energy field; to dissolve and transform energetic obstructions that may be blocking its capacity to attract your ideal customers, generate resources and magnetise aligned opportunities.
Heal your own trauma patterns; so you can identify and dissolve conditioned beliefs, patterns and programming, past fantasies, dreams and projections that get in the way of your leadership, and let go of fixed ideas about who you are and what you can be, do or have.
Identify the primary emerging opportunities waiting to emerge in your business’s energy field, and work powerfully on bringing them to life in concrete ways.
Generate and implement a bespoke “treatment plan” for your business’s primary challenges, which you can implement in real time for instant and long-lasting results.
What You’ll Create:
Past students have made miraculous entrepreneurial strides, on a number of levels — financially, spiritually and creatively. Like them, when you begin this program you’ll enter a creative container — placing your business in a state of miraculously accelerated evolution, opening up possibilities for you to create things such as…
Profitable new products and programs that serve your ideal audience in meaningful ways.
More revenue in the next 3-6 months than you earned for the entire 12 months prior.
Marketing and promotional channels that feel playful and joyous — not full of drudgery.
Systems and structures to automate, or delegate, your everyday business tasks, creating a business that supports the life you want.
A team that is efficient, productive and loves helping you move your vision forward.
New income streams that used to seem out of reach.
The magnetic pull your business exerts through inner harmony and coherency, so that the right clients and partnerships show up to help you grow and expand beyond anything you may have dreamed of.
A co-creative partnership with the Soul of your Business – your Business Deva — to guide your business decisions and receive miraculous, multi-dimensional support.
Profound clarity on exactly what you want more of in your business and what you need to let go of so you can bring it to life.
Strategies for self-care and deep replenishment to ensure that you can create and serve joyfully for many decades to come.
Who is the SBA perfect for?
You are already an authority in your space — a coach, creative, practitioner, or founder — who has achieved success but is ready to position yourself at a higher level.
Your business is your Beloved. You are deeply committed to scaling and expanding your company. You have big dreams, ambitious revenue goals, and a vision that extends far beyond where you are now. You want to grow in a way that is strategic, sustainable, and aligned with your soul, and the soul of your business.
You operate at the intersection of strategy and energetics. You’re deeply intuitive, but you also think critically and execute at a high level. You’re not interested in abstract theories, or thinking-based strategy — you want real, measurable, wholistic success that reflects your Genius, values, heart, and your soul’s deepest desires.
You see business as a living ecosystem. You know that your business isn’t just about trade and commerce — it’s a Sacred, living entity with its own presence, intelligence, and sphere of influence. You want to run it in a way that is aligned, efficient, and built for longevity.
You’re reaching the edge of your capacity, whether that be operationally within your business, or emotionally, energetically, mentally, physically. You need to create space for expansion and increase capacity and resilience — in all the ways.
You may have recently moved into a new income echelon — which means it’s time to take your business more seriously and build the requisite frameworks to support its growth.
You’re ready for a season of devotional discipline. There are times for freewheeling and times for hunkering down. You’re ready to focus.
You want to operate from a higher level of precision and intentionality. You’re not interested in mass-market strategies. You want to refine your messaging, positioning, and business model so that you attract exactly the right opportunities, clients, and collaborations — without chasing, or overextending yourself, or betraying your deepest values.
You have the time and space for regular closed-eye practise, intimate communion with your business and deep creative development. *This one is particularly important!
You’re longing to be part of an inner-circle of brilliant Founders, as committed and devoted to their work as you are. To celebrate your wins, reflect on your challenges and share your innermost thoughts.
The energy of growth and expansion is right there… simmering in the bones of your body and business. You’re keen to harness and leverage it into exponential growth, you just need the right support.
Who This is Not For:
❌ If you’re looking for one-size-fits-all business strategies, this is not for you. This work is designed for those who are already established and ready for precision-level refinement.
❌ If you believe strategy and energetics are separate, this won’t resonate. My clients move seamlessly between executive-level decision-making and deep inner work. They understand that real power comes from integrating both.
❌ If you are still figuring out your core expertise or are in the early stages of business, you may need more foundational support before stepping into this container.

The Curriculum
Your 12-month journey is structured into three progressive seasons, guiding you through comprehensive, structured upgrade of your business ecosystem.
Season 1: Sovereignty & Soul Alignment (Months 1-4)
Establishing sovereignty, clearing your energy field, and forming a partnership with your Business Deva.
✔ Month 1: Introduction to Sovereignty & Energy Alchemy
✔ Month 2: Partnering with the Deva of Your Business
✔ Month 3: Clearing & Transforming Your Energy
✔ Month 4: Anchoring Sovereignty as a Leader
Season 2: Visionary Business Design (Months 5-8)
Crafting a business that aligns with your creative genius, values, and long-term vision.
✔ Month 5: Shaping & Aligning Your World
✔ Month 6: Creating & Manifesting with Power
✔ Month 7: Embodying Your Future Self
✔ Month 8: Designing Your Business & Mapping Its Evolution
Season 3: Energetic Mastery & Momentum (Months 9-12)
Transforming resistance, refining your offerings, and aligning inner & outer worlds for sustainable success.
✔ Month 9: Exploring Your Offerings & Relationship with Clients
✔ Month 10: Aligning Inner & Outer Worlds
✔ Month 11: Mapping the Ecology of Your Business
✔ Month 12: Clarity Review — Your Single Biggest Challenge & Primary Emerging Opportunity
What You’ll Receive Inside the Academy
12 months of live mentorship & energy-alchemy training
Full access to the entire Deva Alchemy® Business Training System
Fortnightly live coaching calls with personalised business diagnostics
A private mastermind community (including monthly live masterminding calls) for shared insights, support & accountability
Exclusive energy-alchemy technologies, attunements & activation practices
Workbooks & playbooks to refine your strategy & business model
The Investment
🔥 LIMITED Founder Spots open until 21st March 2025:
12 x Monthly Payments of $450 | Pay-in-full $4277
Standard Price thereafter:
12 x Monthly Payments of $557 | Pay-in-full $5347
The SBA is designed for current & emerging entrepreneurs. If you’re not already running a business, but have a (relatively) clear concept for the business you want to create, The SBA can help you clarify the shape & form of your emerging business.
We’ve had several early entrepreneurs in past classes, who have made miraculous strides towards launching their businesses. Having said that, The SBA does not teach business-as-usual. We don’t focus on SEO, USPs or any of the other acronyms that are so popular in the zeitgeist of business right now. Our approach to marketing, sales, business models, revenue and lead generation, among other things, is always an inside-out approach.
I believe you have everything you need within you, to craft a profitable business that emerges from your soul and your deepest desires. This means that the business you create, and the shape you give it, will be uniquely yours.
We would love to have you join us! We don’t offer an alumni rate for The SBA as this is an entirely new learning experience. Although you’ll be familiar with most (not all) of the curriculum, you’ll also have access to fortnightly live coaching calls from Ellie, as well as live mastermind calls, and plenty of additional resources and materials that are not included in past Deva Alchemy programs.
The amount of time will be different for each person. The program is designed for intimate, personal growth and learning. Since the classes are delivered digitally, you can pause the recordings at any time, and work with them at your own pace. This is experiential learning, which means that your engagement with each class will transform you if you are receptive to it.
You’ll also benefit greatly from being present at our live calls.
That said, transformation has its own rhythm and timing, which varies not only from person to person, but also depends on what’s going on in your life, how you process change, and where your own particular challenges and gifts intersect with the program materials. You’ll find that certain classes call you into a deeper inner engagement than others, because the material there meets an inner need in you that’s ready to be addressed at that moment.
The program curriculum (and the immersion recordings) are yours for a lifetime, so even if you don’t wish to keep up an intense pace during the immersion itself, you can take plenty of time to complete the materials, on your own time.
As soon as you register for the course, you’ll get a welcome email with important information about accessing the program.
You can download any of the class materials you like to your computer, and listen to the class audios whenever you wish. You can also access everything via the private members’ portal.
You’ll have access to the materials for as long as you’re a member of The SBA (minimum 12 months). You won’t, however, be able to download the materials to your own computer.
The SBA will transform your life and business, if you commit to it wholeheartedly.
It requires your willingness to explore your own light and shadow, and to take full responsibility for choosing and crafting your life, your relationships, and your business in alignment with your true desires.
If you’re ambivalent about transformation, prefer incremental change, or if you are deeply invested in the status quo, The SBA is probably not for you.
All of the material in this program is experiential in nature. It is designed to bring you home to yourself, and to reshape your life from the inside out. Just as you can only learn to swim by getting in the water, you can only truly participate in this program by doing these practices and processes and being willing to be changed by them.
If you don’t wish to take the time, or can’t create the space, for such transformation, then it’s best to wait until you are able to commit yourself to the work.
Ultimately, the more fully you engage with the program materials, the more you’ll gain from this program.
If you are willing to be curious, playful, and to explore your inner kingdom with love and a spirit of adventure, miracles will unfold. They always do.
Due to the intensely hands-on nature of this immersive experience, it is non-refundable, so please make your decision wisely.
You’ll need to be fully committed to the work within this program in order to actually see a transformation in your business (and life) — and that can’t happen with hesitancy or indecision.
If you’re not sure whether the program is right for you right now: turn to your own wisdom. Ground and center yourself. Then, ask yourself one simple question: If I trusted myself fully, what would I choose to do?
No problem — please email my team , and we’ll get you an answer right away!
“Your spiritual healing work found me by serendipity as I searched for answers after a hard fall. I am immersed in your beautiful words of healing and truth. I am learning about sovereignty, about living authentically from the inside out, as many goods paths open I never dreamed possible. Thank you so much.”
— Mary Jane Hewitt Thomas
The Deva Alchemy work is the most useful kind of practical magic. I can’t recommend this program enough.”
— Yael Saar
The Deva Alchemy work was like sitting down to a feast whose every detail has been crafted with care. You'll feast from a richness that will nourish you, body and soul.
There is depth and delight, subtlety and surprise in the materials. They have become integral parts of my life and I will continue to learn more from them for years to come.”
— Eleanor Graham, The Adventures of Nomad Nora
“After taking the Deva Alchemy program, I went on a self-directed writing retreat to Bali, to work on a book. It isn’t finished, but it is coming along with a gentleness and support that feels nothing like the striving I’d initially begun with.
This work has made such a beautiful impact in my life, creativity, sense of safety, direction and clarity. Because I’ve long loved nature and felt such connection with her, the grounding exercise brings immediate and felt changes in my energy. It feels like coming home.”
— Nicola Chatham, Organic Gardening Teacher, Author, Speaker
“There are some teachings that have the potential to completely transform your life — this is what The Deva Alchemy work did for me.
When the course started, my feelings towards sovereignty were unclear. I had heard so much about it, and certainly I was sovereign in some parts of my life. But to be sovereign everywhere and all the time? That was something I couldn’t imagine.
This course showed me a practical way to stay centered, to be powerful in a loving way and to have strong boundaries that protect me.
Through the eight weeks of the program, a lot of changes happened, both in my life and my business. I have a new vision for my home and I learned how to structure and sequence change in a sustainable way. Finally I am hiring the help that I need.
This work showed me that my dreams don’t have to stay dreams. It gave me the tools to realize the true vision for my life. Of course these tools help me in my business as well. I am taking care of my working self in a more loving way. I have new daily rituals that keep my creativity flowing and bring me more abundance and joy.
I highly recommend this course!”
— Lea Hamann, Coach
“I love this work. It was a gift to learn how my body, thoughts, feelings, dreams, challenges, gifts and life belong to me. This is what children and businesses know; we need to remember it, in order to grow, nourish and participate joyfully in our life. This work will guide you, safely, wisely, joyfully and with lots of love! It changed my stories, relationships and my business. It brought me back to lightheartedness, joy, playfulness and wholeness.”
— Marianne Oude Nijhuis, Orthopedagoog en Mentor
“Give your energy an overhaul, and learn to rule your world from the inside out with this program. If you’re ready for exploration and discovery, this is the moment – this is the program. It has transformed my life.”
— Michele Woodward, Career Strategist & Master Certified Coach
“Though I’ve worked with spiritual material for 25 years, I’ve never encountered the landscape of the psycho-spiritual realm so beautifully. The material is deep, rich and vivid – a thorough and beautiful reexamination of the energy anatomy of the body and soul. A bow of humblest gratitude.”
— Amy Oscar, Writer and Teacher
“Before this work, I lived in response to life — waiting for life to happen to me and then exhausting myself to deal with it. I struggled to understand how to engage with life authentically without being afraid.
This work has given me the tools to live with power and to create my world with openness and love. What I really wanted from this course was to find a new foundation for my personal life — which it did, beyond measure.”
— Vikki Spencer, TheMomWhisperer.com
“The whole concept of sovereignty was new to me–I have struggled with autonomy for most of my life, and the tools you gave us have helped tremendously. What a relief to begin to see what is mine (and what is not)...”
— Melani Marx, Life Coach
“[Ellie’s] infectious spirit of excitement, joy and enthralment for the work we're all here to do together, quite simply, makes me want to walk this path with her forever."
— Charlotte Colliver, Co-Founder of Cobham Chiropractic and Charlotte Colliver Pilates
“The practical and energetic tools Ellie offers have allowed me to explore life with a much greater sense of safety and self empowerment.
What I love about Ellie is not only her vast knowledge when it comes to energy or taking control of any and every part of your life, but the space she holds in each session. She is 100% in from the first second and you can feel it. She is also able to hold space for anything that comes up in a very gentle but also a wonderfully good humoured way."
— Izo Fitzroy, Recording and Performing Artist
“I know these tools and practices are something that will be with me for many years to come. They truly are valuable… and the amazing thing is that there is so much depth yet to be explored whether it is within myself, or within my business. I know these lessons are ones I will return to many times over. And I’m so excited about that. This is a gift that just keeps on giving”.
— Sally Webb, Founder of Soul Vintage Revivals
“Ellie offers such a beautifully grounded space within her programs that always make me feel seen, appreciated and cared for.
She mixes a thorough understanding of energetic concepts with practicality, depth, precision, inspiration, light heartedness, joy and clarity. Her energy is impeccable. I come away from Ellie’s containers having received a special piece of practical magic”.
— Rachael Stella
“Ellie's way of working brings you to a place of rare self-sufficiency in your business, and once you know her practices and methodology, you won't be so quick to look to external sources for guidance in the future”
— Katy Murray, Somatic Coach
“Working with Ellie is a full-on pleasure, in every sense of the word. Her keen insight, innate wisdom, and deep devotion are felt at every stage of the process - whether working with her 1:1 or in a group setting."
— Rachel Leedom, Creative Director and Brand Strategist
“Ellie has a gift…
She shares her wisdom with a lightness and sense of humour that is beautifully accessible and deeply authentic. At first, I felt rather lost in my head. But - with her skill, patience and kindness I started to connect into my heart and find that deeper connection to my soul.”
— Gavin Hughes, Founding Partner at SARSEN