The Heart of Support
A ONE-DAY Retreat
What Would You Create Next If You Were Fully Supported?
Develop and nurture an intimate, co-creative relationship with the Deva of support, as you explore your heart’s desires and shape your deepest intentions in this playful and profound digital retreat.

Truth time:
How many dreams and desires have you deferred, shut down, locked away because they “aren’t realistic”? Or because the thought of the journey from here to there feels overwhelming?
Everything your soul calls you to create is also a call to become the person whose life includes that creation. One of your soul’s primary purposes is to invite you into experiences that will grow you so you can express more of your You-ness, more of your genius, artistry, love, joy, compassion, and soul-shaped personhood in your world.
Your creative journey always traverses both inner and outer terrain. Its dual nature is often overlooked in our obsession with productivity, with getting things done, getting to the finish line.
The cost of overlooking the real nature and purpose of your creative self is high.
Neglected or ignored, your dreams and desires dwindle and eventually disappear from view until you no longer know what you want. A vague dissatisfaction fills you. You find yourself living a life that feels empty of substance, devoid of joy.
You’ve forgotten how to enter that state of creative flow that was once your childhood home. It remains a nostalgic bit of memory you revisit from time to time — a sense of something lost, maybe forever. Your bright hopes yield to a kind of pre-emptive disappointment that keeps you trudging along old, familiar, rutted roads to destinations that no longer sing to you.
Or, you try harder; you add “CREATE!” to your long list of imperatives and then beat yourself up because you feel uninspired, deflated, out of touch with the sources of your generativity.
Until something wakes you from your trance…. Insistent dreams that thrust their shaggy heads into your waking hours. Despair and its handmaidens: depression, acedia, anxiety, that force you to navigate your own depths. Your body’s rebellions — illness, injury, unshakeable malaise that no physician or holistic regimen can fix.
Your soul finds ways to wake you up.
And when you awaken from that trance of literalness, you begin to see glimmers of a magical world. One that supports your becoming, your emerging inner selves, your art and creative genius, in a multitude of ways.
Support is a quality of soul.
It flows through every aspect of your life and of our world. Become receptive to its presence, and you realise that your dreams are far more real than the “realism” you’ve settled for.
Your creations cannot come to life through your efforts alone, for they are woven into the vast web of a creative, interdependent, constantly emerging universe whose very nature is relationship. Creation happens through relationships. And support is one form that relationships take.
Sadly, our relationship with support is often impeded by old stories and patterns that have formed layers of fear, mistrust and a feeling of scarcity around support.
In this retreat, you’ll gather your experiences with support — all the ways in which it has shown up for you over a lifetime, and the ways in which it has been weaponized, withdrawn, or used to manipulate you — and process them through playful exploration, inquiry and curiosity, and powerful energy alchemy tools that allow you to release your stories, commune deeply with the Deva of Support, and step into the infinite provision it offers you, your business and your creative endeavours.
You’ll love Heart of Support if you..
Have a significant dream or desire you’d love to create in your business, and feel overwhelmed by the thought of trying to accomplish it with a longer to-do list, “new and better” productivity hacks, or sheer grit and determination.
Would love to experience tangible support flowing into and out of your business and life — without guilt, scarcity, resentment, or obligation.
Want to explore your relationship to support, and heal the fissures that have caused you to hold it at bay because of past experiences that have created fear or mistrust around support.
Love using writing and story-making for personal and business transformation — or you’re curious to see how this can be done!
Crave heart-based, yet practical, tools that integrate imaginative visioning with feet-on-the-ground strategy.

Your Journey Into The Heart of Support
Your imaginative, playful & practical journey into The Heart of Support offers a restorative retreat — an invitation to develop and deepen your relationship with the Deva of Support, and to expand your capacity to give and receive support in your business, and in our world.
Explore Your Relationship With Support
The Heart of Support offers you a container of safety, clarity, transformation and healing within which you can explore and deepen your relationship with support — in your life and in your business.
You’ll begin your journey by exploring your relationship with support, through transformative insights, energy alchemy practices, and written inquiry that invites you to uncover the stories and patterns of obstruction, ambivalence or mistrust in your relationship with support — and to discover and clarify the specific forms of support your business needs to flourish right now.
Celebrate & Craft a Strong Foundation
Through unique energy alchemy practices, guided meditations and imaginative story-weaving, you’ll identify and celebrate the support that already exists in your life, and shape a strong foundation of trust, safety and provision on which to grow your business.
You’ll receive not only transformative explorations to deepen your understanding of and relationship with support, but a practical framework that shows you visually — and lets you experience viscerally — how support has shown up for you in the past. From there, you will intentionally commune with and develop a lifelong relationship with the Deva of Support.
Shape Your Desire Into Intention
You’ll get in touch with your heart’s desire, and embody desire itself, so you can experience its essence, its nuances and the vision it has for you and your life. You’ll invite your inner selves to show you the obstacles to support that exist within you, and tenderly clear the way so you can more fully embody the essence of support.
Then, you’ll invite your desire to join you in expressing itself as a conscious intention, lending it form and shape, and creating an energy field that includes all the support you need to fulfill your intention.
Create Pathways for Support
When you’ve clarified your intention and invited your inner selves to partner with the Deva of Support and invite its essence within you, you’ll create an energetic pathway for support to flow into your business and life.
You’ll daydream into the grandest vision of support for your heart’s desires, and then hone your vision into a practical plan for its fulfillment. You’ll leave your time in this digital retreat with a clear map of where support is needed right now in your business and life — crafted through attunement with the energy of Flow, and from the raw material of Creation itself.
This map will form the container for creating your heart’s desire. The entire retreat offers both a spiritual, transformative experience and a practical foundation for choosing your next steps.
Complete & Surrender
You’ll complete your retreat with an energetic attunement that will honor the Devas that have accompanied you on your journey into The Heart of Support, thank your soul and your inner selves for taking this journey with you, and surrender your desire to the realm of unconditioned Flow, allowing for its perfect unfolding.
What you’ll do..
Deeply explore — through playful inquiry and attunement with the Devic realm, your inner selves, and your soul’s wisdom — your relationship with support: the good, the not-so-grand, and the glorious.
Discover, through story-weaving experiences, the ways in which support has become lost to your awareness, hidden by the tangled weeds of experiences that have left you feeling disappointed by, and mistrustful of, the support in your life.
Attune to the heart of your desire itself, giving you a new & transformative view of its purpose in your life, and in the life of your business — and inviting you to experience its essence, its shape, and all of the support necessary for its fulfilment.
Step into the profound sense of safety, grounding, and belonging that comes from an awareness of the support that is infinitely available to you — in your business, your creative endeavours, and your life.
Develop an immovable trust that all the support you need to fulfill your heart’s desires will be available to you, when you need it — giving you the freedom to become more of who you are, and to participate fully as a source of soul and an agent of the Sacred in our world.
Learn how to use energy alchemy practices, and imaginative story-making, to discern the kind of support you need — that which is right for your stage of business, aligned with your soul’s purposes, and in harmony with your values and the world of your business — and to set up the pathways for support to flow into your business and life, so you can flourish.
The Heart of Support is a generous invitation to explore your relationship with support in ways you may have never considered, and to heal, renew and nurture that relationship for a lifetime.
What You’ll Receive..
Grow your business’s reach and presence.
Support and provision are essential qualities that form a strong foundation for the world of your business. When you infuse the life of your business with support — when you both embody the essential qualities of support and receive its many forms freely — your business’s presence and impact grows naturally, effortlessly and with greater ease.
Step into your future with greater trust.
All business and creative projects require that you step into your future with a degree of uncertainty and risk. Without a strong foundation of safety and support, it’s easy to feel indecisive, stuck, stagnated at each significant turn or opportunity. When you know you are supported — when you embody the essence of support itself — you’re able to move toward your heart’s true desires, trusting the stability of your path as you move through each stage that makes up the life of your business.
Develop greater discernment around support.
Support shows up in many forms in your business, from financial, to technological, to your relationships, both personal and business. All forms of support are not equally beneficial at all stages of business — each stage requires support that is neither too overwhelming, nor too complex, but that offers what your business needs to fulfil its current desires.
Being in right relationship with support gives you greater discernment to choose the kind of support you need at each stage, and to develop strong and flexible boundaries that allow in, and filter out, support throughout the life of your business.
Give and receive support in abundance.
By attuning to and developing an intimate, loving relationship with the Deva of Support, you become an infinitely creative, generative source of support for the world — through your business, and in your life — without depletion or exhaustion. You expand your capacity to give and receive support, and participate in the multidimensional community that forms the supportive foundation of our world.
Copyright © Ellie Seilern 2024