A 9 month professional, private (1:1) training and mentoring program for Founders and Leaders in the field of transformation, to hone their craft, develop precise energy alchemy skills, navigate potentiality across multiple dimensions and contribute to building a world in partnership with the Sacred.

You are an established, celebrated Leader in your field; joyfully channelling your Genius into profitable, successful business, and deeply committed to serving your community - and the Sacred - with your creative offerings.
And yet, you’re ready to go much, much deeper into the spiritual heart of why you are here, and what you - and your clients - can truly accomplish in this life.
You know there are ways of augmenting your perception; to read the patterns and energetics behind the words and actions of your clients, and catalyse profound and permanent transformation.
But you know this requires more than mind-set, neuroscience, trauma training, systems theory, or somatics alone.
And so, you’re ready for a season of learning and devotional discipline, knowing that the time has come to amplify your existing skills with the power of energy alchemy.
What this looks like:
No more feeling responsible for your clients’ transformation or scrambling to unpick their patterns intellectually. Instead, a deeply rooted inner stability that emerges from sovereign boundaries and a robust set of skills and technologies that can be applied to any situation your client may be navigating.
No more doubting the efficacy of your work or feeling like you need to adorn your brand with buzzwords to stand out from the rest. Instead, your presence speaks for itself, you radiate with competency and your clients feel safe on a somatic and soul level.
No more half-hearted clients who approach your mentorship with expectations, projections or resistance. Instead, clients who are ready for the nuance and depth of work that you offer, who have the willingness to implement what they learn and have access to resources, support and structures to make significant contributions to our world.
No longer experiencing unease, confusion and loneliness when making strategic or creative decisions in your business. Instead, an enduring reciprocal relationship with the Soul of your Business that guides and supports you at every turn.
No longer feeling depleted by the energetic quagmire of meetings, conferences or digital spaces. Instead, being able to function effectively and elegantly within them.
No longer feeling projected upon, pedestaled or isolated within your community. Instead, truly embodying the art of sovereign leadership so that you’re able to hold and lead a thriving community with impeccable boundaries, strength, discernment and power.
No more distorted dynamics in relationship to money, with unconscious patterns ruling your responses. Instead, an abiding alliance with the most significant resource on our planet as a force for positive change.
No more compartmentalising yourself into seemingly disparate selves. Instead, your commercial acumen, your genius and your desire for a more equitable world form the raw material for your unique, creative contribution.
No more shrinking away from challenging conversations because you feel energetically depleted and unsure of your own inner truth. Instead, a soul-deep resilience for sacred activism and serving the highest potential in any given situation.

The time has come to learn the art and science … of Miracles.
Science and MIRACLES? Are these not utterly incongruent?
Not in the least.
Here, at Deva Alchemy, we embrace and leverage a multifaceted approach to learning. “Science” is simply a practise of systematic study, observation and experimentation, measured against a range of outcomes. Mastering the art and science of Miracles simply means examining the micro and macro within any iterative process and learning how to work skilfully with it across the full creative spectrum.
This is what you will learn inside the Deva Alchemy® Mentor Training Program.
You’ll learn tools and techniques to help you access, navigate and shape the energetic framework within which your life, and business, is held.
It will teach you the skills and technologies to access your Soul’s potential, develop a precise and refined understanding of subtle energy and how to use it - for yourself and your clients - to heal, create and serve.
Heal - Create - Serve
This powerful trifecta sits at the very heart of the Deva Alchemy® Mentor Training Program.
You heal (yourself), create (miracles) and serve (the sacred) - simultaneously.
Trust yourself. You’re here, reading these words, because you feel a powerful urge to take the next step; in your business, in your Soul’s evolution, in your sacred service.
You’re ready for more…
More than the next wildly successful launch, smashed revenue target or perfected business model. For you this next step means anchoring the Sacred more fully into every strand of your business. Combine that clear intention with practical application of sacred skills - including energy alchemy and co-creating with the subtle realms - and amplified revenues and successful launches will inevitably follow.
More ethically acquired & equitably distributed wealth. Right relationship to money, resourcing and support means naming and claiming your desire to help build a world that works for everyone. For you and your clients, this may require the capacity to receive, hold, contain and circulate increased levels of wealth, which necessitates a grounded, sovereign and devotional relationship to money.
More safety and belonging in your own body. Creative power rests on a foundation of inner fullness and energetic stability. You want concrete and effective ways to increase your resonance to the field of abundance that is intrinsic to the Earth.
Clearer, coherent, delicious desires and a lucid, soul-sourced vision for your business, your life and your creative service. It’s time to name and un-shame the sweetest yearnings of your heart.
You want these for yourself — because you can only guide your clients into depths in which you yourself are truly at home.
You want these because you are in love with your soul and theirs.

This 9-month Deva Alchemy® Mentor Training will lead you through three significant, interwoven layers of learning, practice and embodied development.
1. Foundational practice:
The first three months will focus on the learning and application of foundational energy alchemy technologies. These will form the scaffolding upon which the rest of the Mentor Training Program rests, requiring the ability to hold, contain and circulate refined energies through the body and energy body.
This period of focussed and targeted energy clearance will catalyse the release of multiple layers of distortion, disturbance and debris in your energy body. The resulting spaciousness will invite you into an entirely new relationship with your inner being; one in which you will meet yourself as you truly are. The focus in this first stage of the mentor training is on cultivating the right conditions - both internally and externally - for the emergence of your soul’s pattern.
You’ll explore the vastness of your internal landscape, as well as the scaffolding of your physical body and energy body. You’ll come to know yourself from the inside out, as a seasoned traveller through the pathways, portals and potentials of your inner ecology.
This is a crucial phase of the mentor training. The foundation of your business - and life - rests on your capacity to stay attuned to the Sacred pattern within every relationship you enter into; with yourself and your soul, your body and energy body, with physical and non-physical beings, and with all the nested ecologies in which you exist.
2. Technical practice:
You will discover the functions, purposes, characteristics and qualities of your own energy field as the interface between your inner world and the outer world. You’ll learn increasingly refined technologies to navigate and adjust the energetic frameworks and structures within which your life, and business, is held. As you become more adept with sequencing and measuring processes against outcomes, you’ll develop your own unique approach to energy alchemy and how best to support your clients with these tools.
As you identify and transform diverse energy patterns in your own field - and learn how they move, express and shape your thoughts, choices, behaviours and beliefs - you’ll start to recognise those patterns in your clients and help them transform these in their own lives at the deepest level.
Furthermore, as you clear your internal distortions around wealth, intimacy, personal and trans-personal identity, physiology, social and cultural activism, etc - your relationship to our world will profoundly transform, invariably leading to significant shifts in your mentorship, leadership and creative expression.
3. Creative practice:
The final phase of the mentor training supports the emergence of your creative vision for the world. This is your harvest; the birthing of your own signature approach to mentorship and creative energy alchemy.
At this time, your relationship to potentiality - as a field in which your business is held and as a pattern within yourself - will begin to focus, refine and draw you down a path of service.
You will come to know yourself as a powerful, multidimensional being, capable of participation in your own life at the highest level. Your soul - and the Sacred - will anchor so fully into your body, your business, and your life, that your every thought, feeling and action will derive from a place of conscious, intentional engagement.
You will know yourself on the deepest of levels; your unwavering values, your spiritual relationship with the world, your genius, your heart, your balm and your art. Your mastery of these energy alchemy tools and technologies will create nothing short of miracles - in your own life, those of your clients and your community.
Program Length and Structure
This 9 month container follows a solid structure of experiential learning, practice, demonstration and direct application.
Offering it as a private, 1:1 program means we can remain flexible and responsive to the specific needs of your business, your community and your life - as well as tailor the curriculum to suit your individual learning style.
Once you register for the program, you’ll receive an in-depth Storybook, designed to explore aspects of your soul’s ecology – of your being and becoming. You’ll discover what your soul wishes to show you, and it will help you navigate the unknown that lies before you.
This exploration will begin one month before our first program meeting. You’ll share your responses to the Storybook prompts with me before we meet; it will play a significant role in the work we will do together in the Deva Alchemy® Mentor Training.
Once the program begins, we will meet on Zoom audio for three 60-minute sessions on the first three weeks of each month (27 sessions in total).
The teachings will be held orally, with audio recordings of each session provided. I will also offer homework assignments each week, to supplement each lesson and for you to practice with your clients, in your life and in your business.
You will have your own private client space inside my project management portal, to hold all of our written communications, audio and download links, resources, reports and more.
Much of our work together will call you to practise what you learn in real time; with your clients, your creative projects and processes, with your team and across all other business endeavours - as well as in your personal, familial, physiological and spiritual life. I will ask you to maintain and share with me a log of your discoveries, learnings, explorations, experiments and questions each week. We will use these to shape the core mentor training program curriculum to support your specific gifts, challenges, and creative and soul emergence.
This is a significant investment in yourself, your professional development, and your business. It is best suited for those of you who lead successful businesses with the means and resources to make this investment relatively comfortably, and with the infrastructure to implement what you learn in this program.
The work we will do together will substantially transform the very bones of your business; with the potential for increased revenue, ongoing client referrals and commercial opportunities greatly enhanced.
While this is a proprietary program — which means you won’t be able to go out and teach it after you’ve completed your training with me — I will support you in weaving all that you learn here into your own signature approach to mentoring. Adding these professional energetic skills and practices to your existing knowledge base will provide you with a substantial return on your investment.
Application Process
To apply for this training, please complete the application form below. I will read through it and be in touch to organise a video interview. Please answer the questions as thoughtfully and fully as possible.
Copyright © Ellie Seilern 2024