Deva Alchemy Academy Presents an 8-Week Self-Study Course:

The Art of Inner-Sovereignty in Business

What does it really take to be a successful, fulfilled CEO/Founder/Leader?  

At Deva Alchemy Academy, having worked with thousands of entrepreneurs over the years, we’ve discovered it’s a combination of:

  1. ESSENTIAL QUALITIES – like resilience, courage, stamina, vision, confidence, willingness and leadership.

  2. INNER RESOURCES – like genius, wisdom, skills, values, beliefs, inner-knowing and somatic/bodily intelligence.

Together, these form your personal leadership ecosystem, which is your greatest asset as a business leader. This includes the sum total of your abilities, skills and potentials as a multidimensional CEO.

We have developed a training system for Founders, Leaders and Entrepreneurs wanting to grow and develop their leadership ecosystem, in themselves and their businesses.

The system is based on cultivating ONE central quality, from which all others emerge… SOVEREIGNTY.

Watch the Sovereignty Masterclass:

What is Sovereignty and how do I know if I need more of it?

Well, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you ever feel powerless when it comes to creating concrete outcomes in your business?

  • Do you feel like everything you do in your business is a risk? That you’re never quite sure if you’re doing the right thing and feel constantly stressed as a result?

  • Do you feel like your business is at the mercy of market trends or other outside circumstances?

  • Do you wobble in your vision because your head is filled with other peoples’ ideas and opinions on how business should be done?

  • Are you exhausted at being the pioneer and always ahead of the curve? Are you ambivalent towards your own leadership?

  • Do you feel depleted after client delivery sessions, needing lots of time to recover between projects, meetings or events?

  • Do you feel enmeshed, co-dependent or distant from your own business, knowing that there’s ‘baggage’ in your relationship, but unclear on how to heal it?

If this feels familiar, then Rule Your World may be exactly what you need at this point in your life and business.

Inside Rule Your World, you’ll learn how to map and refine your own leadership ecosystem and cultivate sovereignty within yourself and your business.

Through a combination of somatic (body-based) techniques, imaginal (targeted visualisation) practises & refined energy technologies, you will cultivate an entirely new suite of skills, helping you shape a rarified, custom, soul-sourced approach to doing business.

Enrol in this 8-week self-paced adventure into the miraculous potency of Sovereignty.

Discover the world of inner leadership in business, where you’ll shape a more magnetic, impactful business—and enjoy sustainable, soul-powered success without guesswork or struggle.

You’ll emerge from this program having & knowing...

  • Simple, potent practices to activate your Genius and leverage it to create a more compelling, magnetic market presence – so you can lead your industry in your OWN way.

  • How to balance knowledge with wisdom into a powerful blueprint for sacred success.

  • Energetic tools and technologies to translate your soul’s desires into concrete outcomes in your business, so you can become a confident, consistent creator of your own success.

  • Tools to close the gap between idea and result with more ease and less effort, powerfully crystallising and catalysing your vision over time.

  • How to make sense of your inner world and identify what’s been holding you back. Learn how to dissolve those obstructive patterns permanently.

  • How to powerfully set yourself up for long-term business success, so your business can weather any storm (inner or outer) that may come, and stand the test of time.

  • How to cultivate safety — both within yourself and your business — so that you can take appropriate and necessary risk for business growth.

  • How to access your body’s native intelligence and creative power as an essential ingredient for building your business.

  • How to lean deeper into your personal courage and develop greater personal resilience, as you navigate the challenging and often lonely (albeit fulfilling and exciting!) path of pioneer and visionary.

  • How to see and approach your business in an effortlessly organised way, becoming more efficient and coherent in your business strategy, both personally and across your whole organisation.

  • How to radiate confidence, power and accomplishment from every cell of your body, so that your clients, customers and community trust and respect you.

Program Details

8 Session Audios & Master Playbook

When you enrol in Rule Your World, you’ll receive a beautifully designed digital Playbook that includes all of the program curriculum, divided into chapters, with links to each session audio.

8 Video Teachings

You’ll also receive 8 previously recorded video teachings, where I offer additional context to supplement the week’s lessons. The soul’s creative power is accessed through the body. So, I’ll help you embody the practices you’re discovering, and integrate them fully. 

Lifetime Access

Once you enrol, the curriculum is yours to keep. You can review or re-do the program at your own pace.

Owning these recordings for a lifetime will ensure you have more than adequate time to go as deep as you’d like with any of the practices that call to you, as you continue your journey in business and life.

Praise from past students of Rule Your World

The Rule Your World

Class 1: Sovereignty: You Are the Crown

To be sovereign is to be in right relationship with all of life. Cultivating this quality energetically, spiritually and practically is the foundation for shaping a life and business that deeply serves your Soul's genius, vision and values. 

Key Practices:

  • An introduction to Sovereignty

  • The Foundations of Subtle Energy

Class 2: Presence: Ground and Radiance

You’ll effect rapid transformation in your life and business by establishing a more powerful presence, and learn how to cultivate safety and resilience from your first Chakra.

Key Practices:

  • Cultivating Presence

  • Foundations of Grounding and Centering

  • Safety + the First Chakra

Class 3: Belonging: Inner Connections

This will help you develop the energetic capacity and skill to access the qualities and states of being that lead to greater wholeness, within established (and fluid) boundaries. By doing so, you’ll no longer feel like you’re being controlled by either your or others’ emotions. You will learn how to access your storehouse of creative energy.

Key Practices:

  • Working with Cosmic Energy

  • Processing Emotions

  • Working with Desire + the Second Chakra

Class 4: Inner Fire, Inner Families

By developing your energetic capacities and skills, you can begin to action real, tangible change in your life. Your ability to make things happen increases as you access your power, your intentions and your will.

Key Practices:

  • Learning How to Sense Energy

  • Defining Your Energetic Boundary

  • Meeting Your Inner Selves

Class 5: Shaping Your World: Symbols, Patterns and Pattern-Holders

By learning how to locate and process beliefs, stories, pictures and thoughts as energy patterns in the body, you’ll stop allowing them to unconsciously rule your life and realise the power that you have in transforming these once and for all.

Key Practices:

  • Working With Beliefs, Patterns and Stories

  • Working With Symbols, Devas and Qualities

  • Exploring Unity and Sovereignty in the 4th Chakra

Class 6: Daily Practices and Sacred Activism

Daily energy practices are an essential part of the health and vibrancy of your inner ecology, and play an essential role in Sacred Activism, i.e. how you embody your soul's values through your business and in our world.

Key Practices:

  • Creating the Home of Your Heart

  • Healing and Blessing Your World

  • Intention: Aim and Resistance

Class 7: Time and Transformation: Your Future Self

Knowing how to work with time and space effectively and creatively means the gap between desire and manifestation becomes shorter and easier.

Key Practices:

  • Exploring Time: Past, Present, Future

  • Learn How to Work With Your Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Chakras

  • Caring for Your Inner Kingdom

Class 8: Heaven on Earth: Sovereignty In Action

You’ll leave having established a new blueprint for how to choose, shape and enjoy the life and business that your Soul longs for. 

Key Practices:

  • Co-create: The New Ecology of Your Business

  • New Relationship, New You

Enrol Today

One payment of $797 $597 or 3 payments of $210 each

Please read our cancellation policy before making your purchase.

About Ellie

Ellie Seilern is the CEO + Chief Culture Maker at Deva Alchemy Academy.

She works with Founders, Leaders and CEOs in helping them to express their Soul’s vision and values in business and beyond. 

Her work focusses on helping clients access and navigate their Soul’s potential by teaching and applying refined energy alchemy skills, technologies and practises. 

Her approach to energy alchemy is grounded, practical and fun! After 15 years of study, practise and experience of quantum energy healing, plant medicine, somatics and psychology, she holds a space of sovereignty, profound safety and accessibility.

For a limited time: one payment of $797 $597 or 3 payments of $210 each

“Your spiritual healing work found me by serendipity as I searched for answers after a hard fall. I am immersed in your beautiful words of healing and truth. I am learning about sovereignty, about living authentically from the inside out, as many goods paths open I never dreamed possible. Thank you so much.”

— Mary Jane Hewitt Thomas

“Rule Your World from the Inside Out is the most useful kind of practical magic. I can’t recommend this program enough.”

— Yael Saar

“Rule Your World was like sitting down to a feast whose every detail has been crafted with care. You'll feast from a richness that will nourish you, body and soul.

There is depth and delight, subtlety and surprise in the materials. They have become integral parts of my life and I will continue to learn more from them for years to come.”

— Eleanor Graham, The Adventures of Nomad Nora

“After taking Rule Your World, I went on a self-directed writing retreat to Bali, to work on a book. It isn’t finished, but it is coming along with a gentleness and support that feels nothing like the striving I’d initially begun with.

This work has made such a beautiful impact in my life, creativity, sense of safety, direction and clarity. Because I’ve long loved nature and felt such connection with her, the grounding exercise brings immediate and felt changes in my energy. It feels like coming home.”

— Nicola Chatham, Organic Gardening Teacher, Author, Speaker

“There are some teachings that have the potential to completely transform your life — this is what Rule Your World From the Inside Out did for me.

When the course started, my feelings towards sovereignty were unclear. I had heard so much about it, and certainly I was sovereign in some parts of my life. But to be sovereign everywhere and all the time? That was something I couldn’t imagine.

This course showed me a practical way to stay centered, to be powerful in a loving way and to have strong boundaries that protect me.

Through the eight weeks of the program, a lot of changes happened, both in my life and my business. I have a new vision for my home and I learned how to structure and sequence change in a sustainable way. Finally I am hiring the help that I need.

Rule Your World showed me that my dreams don’t have to stay dreams. It gave me the tools to realize the true vision for my life. Of course these tools help me in my business as well. I am taking care of my working self in a more loving way. I have new daily rituals that keep my creativity flowing and bring me more abundance and joy.

I highly recommend this course!”

— Lea Hamann, Coach

“Rule Your World is a program that I revisit periodically.  Its principles and practices are subtle and deepen with repetition. Ellie’s RYW immersion  impressed me because she has the rare skill of connecting theory to praxis with applicable examples that connect back to theory, all in a logical and actionable feedback loop.  Her mapping of the first through third chakra qualities and how their energies relate and build on each other has provided me with a scaffolding upon which to re-examine my own projects and move them forward with fresh eyes and greater clarity. RYW is a rich and vast yet practical approach to creating that keeps giving and I look forward to continuing to explore its tools.”

— Yvette Louis, PhD

“I Love Rule Your World. It was a gift to learn how my body, thoughts, feelings, dreams, challenges, gifts and life belong to me. This is what children and businesses know; we need to remember it, in order to grow, nourish and participate joyfully in our life. Rule Your World will guide you, safely, wisely, joyfully and with lots of love! It changed my stories, relationships and my business. It brought me back to lightheartedness, joy, playfulness and wholeness.”

— Marianne Oude Nijhuis, Orthopedagoog en Mentor

“Give your energy an overhaul, and learn to rule your world from the inside out with this program. If you’re ready for exploration and discovery, this is the moment – this is the program. It has transformed my life.”

— Michele Woodward, Career Strategist & Master Certified Coach

“Though I’ve worked with spiritual material for 25 years, I’ve never encountered the landscape of the psycho-spiritual realm so beautifully. The material in Rule Your World is deep, rich and vivid – a thorough and beautiful reexamination of the energy anatomy of the body and soul. A bow of humblest gratitude.”

— Amy Oscar, Writer and Teacher

“Before Rule Your World, I lived in response to life — waiting for life to happen to me and then exhausting myself to deal with it. I struggled to understand how to engage with life authentically without being afraid.

Rule Your World has given me the tools to live with power and to create my world with openness and love. What I really wanted from this course was to find a new foundation for my personal life — which it did, beyond measure.”

— Vikki Spencer,

“The whole concept of sovereignty was new to me–I have struggled with autonomy for most of my life, and the tools you gave us have helped tremendously. What a relief to begin to see what is mine (and what is not)...”

— Melani Marx, Life Coach

“The practical and energetic tools Ellie offers have allowed me to explore life with a much greater sense of safety and self empowerment.

What I love about Ellie is not only her vast knowledge when it comes to energy or taking control of any and every part of your life, but the space she holds in each session. She is 100% in from the first second and you can feel it. She is also able to hold space for anything that comes up in a very gentle but also a wonderfully good humoured way."

— Izo Fitzroy, Recording and Performing Artist

“Ellie offers such a beautifully grounded space within her programs that always make me feel seen, appreciated and cared for.

She mixes a thorough understanding of energetic concepts with practicality, depth, precision, inspiration, light heartedness, joy and clarity. Her energy is impeccable. I come away from Ellie’s containers having received a special piece of practical magic”.

— Rachael Stella

“Ellie's way of working brings you to a place of rare self-sufficiency in your business, and once you know her practices and methodology, you won't be so quick to look to external sources for guidance in the future”

— Katy Murray, Somatic Coach

“Working with Ellie is a full-on pleasure, in every sense of the word. Her keen insight, innate wisdom, and deep devotion are felt at every stage of the process - whether working with her 1:1 or in a group setting."

— Rachel Leedom, Creative Director and Brand Strategist

“Ellie has a gift…

She shares her wisdom with a lightness and sense of humour that is beautifully accessible and deeply authentic. At first, I felt rather lost in my head. But - with her skill, patience and kindness I started to connect into my heart and find that deeper connection to my soul.”

— Gavin Hughes, Founding Partner at SARSEN

“[Ellie’s] infectious spirit of excitement, joy and enthralment for the work we're all here to do together, quite simply, makes me want to walk this path with her forever."

— Charlotte Colliver, Co-Founder of Cobham Chiropractic and Charlotte Colliver Pilates

“I know these tools and practices are something that will be with me for many years to come. They truly are valuable… and the amazing thing is that there is so much depth yet to be explored whether it is within myself, or within my business. I know these lessons are ones I will return to many times over. And I’m so excited about that. This is a gift that just keeps on giving”.

— Sally Webb, Founder of Soul Vintage Revivals

“Rule Your World is a masterpiece — simply reading or listening to this will change you. If you feel overwhelmed, unsure of what you want, unable to get on with your “thing”, Rule Your World From the Inside Out will help you find your way."

— Jennifer Louden, Best-selling Author & Teacher

"Rule Your World is EVERYTHING. I’ve searched and studied countless modalities and systems over the years and nothing quite compares to both the depth and magic of Rule Your World. I devoured the accompanying playbook and the live classes have been absolutely amazing. With sincere enthusiasm, Ellie weaves concrete, real-life examples into the live classes. Her wisdom brings the lessons to life in a way that makes stepping into sovereignty not only relatable but ultimately tangible. All of it has been so rich that I know I’ll be going back to listen again and again until it’s ingrained in my psyche. This content is unlike anything out there! It’s Golden!"

— Bonnie Ginsberg, Intuitive Consultant

Enrol Today

For a limited time: one payment of $797 $597 or 3 payments of $210 each

Please read our cancellation policy before making your purchase.


  • Over the years, the Deva Alchemy Academy community has attracted mainly entrepreneurial folks – and some of its programs are specifically designed for entrepreneurs. However, Rule Your World is for any creatively-minded person who would love to become skillful at joyfully shaping their world from the inside out.

    A “creatively-minded” person is anyone who enjoys the art of making meaningful creations in our world, whether that include a thriving business; a beautiful home; a loving relationship; renewed health and vitality; a work of art, music, or literature – or even a lovely dinner party, wedding, or other celebration!

    The foundational tools and practices within Rule Your World will serve you in every area of your life where you’d like to access your creative genius, as well as the power and intelligence that exists within the multidimensional realms of subtle energy, to shape a world that reflects your soul’s true desires.

  • The amount of time will be different for each person. The program is designed for intimate, personal growth and learning. Since the classes are delivered digitally, you can pause the recordings at any time, and work with them at your own pace. This is experiential learning, which means that your engagement with each class will transform you if you are receptive to it.

    That said, transformation has its own rhythm and timing, which varies not only from person to person, but also depends on what’s going on in your life, how you process change, and where your own particular challenges and gifts intersect with the program materials. You’ll find that certain classes call you into a deeper inner engagement than others, because the material there meets an inner need in you that’s ready to be addressed at that moment.

    The program curriculum is yours for a lifetime, so you can take plenty of time to complete the materials, on your own time.

  • As soon as you register for the course, you’ll get a welcome email with important information about accessing the Playbook and all 8 audio and video lessons inside the password-protected members’ site.

    You can download any of the class materials you like to your computer, and listen to the class audios whenever you wish. You can also access everything via the private members’ portal.

  • There’s no time limit. All of the course materials are yours to keep forever.

  • Rule Your World will transform your life, if you commit to it wholeheartedly.

    It requires your willingness to explore your own light and shadow, and to take full responsibility for choosing and crafting your life, your relationships, and your business in alignment with your true desires.

    If you’re ambivalent about transformation, prefer incremental change, or if you are deeply invested in the status quo, Rule Your World is probably not for you.

    All of the material in this program is experiential in nature. It is designed to bring you home to yourself, and to reshape your life from the inside out. Just as you can only learn to swim by getting in the water, you can only truly participate in this program by doing these practices and processes and being willing to be changed by them.

    If you don’t wish to take the time, or can’t create the space, for such transformation, then it’s best to wait until you are able to commit yourself to the work.

    Ultimately, the more fully you engage with the program materials, the more you’ll gain from this program.

    If you are willing to be curious, playful, and to explore your inner kingdom with love and a spirit of adventure, miracles will unfold. They always do.

  • Due to the fact that all of the course materials are instantly delivered to you, it is non-refundable, so please make your decision wisely.

    You’ll need to be fully committed to the work within this program in order to actually see a transformation in your business (and life) — and that can’t happen with hesitancy or indecision.

    If you’re not sure whether the program is right for you right now: turn to your own wisdom. Ground and center yourself. Then, ask yourself one simple question: If I trusted myself fully, what would I choose to do?

  • No problem — please email my team , and we’ll get you an answer right away!

For a limited time: one payment of $797 $597 or 3 payments of $210 each

Program Policies

Due to the fact that all of the course materials are instantly delivered to you, it is non-refundable, so please make your decision wisely. If you’re not sure whether the program is right for you right now: turn to your own wisdom. Ground and center yourself. Then, ask yourself one simple question: If I trusted myself fully, what would I choose to do?

Have a specific question? Contact my team here for more help. Thank you!